Baby Ethan is 20 months old today!! Where did the time go?!? I know every parent wonders this. I know this because almost daily I have someone telling me they can't believe they have a teenager or a college student and that it seems like just yesterday they were changing diapers. It is so easy to wish for the next milestone to get here, (ie: crawling, walking, potty trained, etc...) but I am really trying to just enjoy
So, I thought I would take some time to journal what Ethan is doing and in to these days...at 20 months!
- Talking! He is saying everything. He's like a little parrot...so watch what you say around him. I tried to write down everything he says and I just couldn't do it. Some of his favorites are: Blueberries (Bla-lees), Colors: Red, Lellow, Geeeen, Pu-pur, Blue (he can usually point to the correct color and say it), Dude, Putter, Cheese, Juice, Milk (Meee-il), Remote (Mote)
- Music/Dancing.
He has some mad dancin' skills!!
- Golfing. I think he pretty much likes anything and everything about golf. He will literally drop what he is doing if golf is on TV and stand or sit there and watch it. He brings Golf Digest magazines to us saying 'ball ball' over and over until we sit down and look through it with him. And he, of course, has his own indoor and outdoor set of golf clubs and balls. He knows the putter by name (see above). His father is so very proud!
"Ball" |
- Bathtime. (If you haven't guessed that by the amount of bathtime pictures we have.) We used to spell out B-A-T-H so he wouldn't get excited before it was time...that worked for a little while. He has now figured out how to spell bath and runs to the bathtub when we spell it.
Loving his new water toy |
- Counting...sort of. I'm his mother, so I can consider 'One, two, four, eight' counting. Sometimes he throws a five and a six in there, but we rarely get a three or a seven.
- Books. We have about a gazillion books and Ethan loves them. We look at and read most of them everyday.
This picture is old, but he still loves this book! |
I could probably go on and on, but you get the idea. This kid amazes everyday with something new. He has melted my heart with a couple of new things in the past month or two. He has started kissing our cheeks before we lay him down for bed. He makes the sound and everything! I thought I was going to cry the first time. I love it! And the other day he said bless you after I sneezed! It was more like 'betch you', but I knew what he meant.
So, for those of you who actually read all that...thanks. Now you know a little more about our sweet little Ethan.
And now...it's naptime!!
We Love this kid!! |