The big day finally arrived! We had his backpack packed, clothes out and ready (including new shoes) and alarms set! Last night we went to his school for kindergarten orientation. His school doesn't allow parents in the classroom on the first day, so I was really happy to get to meet his teacher and see his classroom with him ahead of time. Jared went into work late this morning so he could see Ethan before school and take him to school with us! It was great having him here for all that!
Here are a couple pictures from last night at orientation...
Sitting at his spot at the table! |
Ethan and Mrs. Warren- his new teacher |
This morning was actually pretty calm around here. We had enough time to get ready and take plenty of pictures before loading up and heading off to school. I was under the impression that when we get in the drop off line at school, we just pulled up to the sidewalk, said good bye and out he got (I think that's how it's supposed to be). Anyway, we got in the line and there were parents getting out of their cars everywhere and parents walking kids to the door and parents walking kids inside...I asked Ethan if he wanted me to walk him to the door and he said yes. So, I did, gave him his hug and told him to have a great day. There was a teacher at the door to tell him exactly where to go and before I knew it, he had disappeared into the school. Didn't even look back :)! And, no tears...until I got back into the car. And even then, I did pretty well for my first kindergarten experience, I think! On to the pictures!
Oh, if you remember from his first days at preschool (
prek2), I wrote on his chalk board what he wanted to be when he grew up... I didn't make room for it this year, but this is what he told me: "I want to be a construction worker that builds roads, because they drive cool, big trucks!"
So proud of this boy! |
Nora had to get in on the pictures. Both kids squeezing me! I love this picture and them! :) |
Ethan and Daddy |
My 2 favorite kids...ever!! |
Heading into the school. Looking so grown up! |
He will ride the bus home. So today, Nora and I walked to the bus stop to see him get off the bus and walk home with him.
Nora and our neighbor Henry, waiting for the bus to come |
Bus #3 is here! |
All smiles coming off the bus! |
Ethan/Mama Question and Answer Session after school ;):
M: How did you like your first day of school?
E: Good
M: What was your favorite part of school today?
E: I don't really know...Um...
M: What did you do today?
E: I played on the playground 3 times. Um, and I colored a smiley face yellow and wrote my name.
M: Did you get your pencil box out of your cubby?
E: Yeah.
M: What did you do use from it?
E: The yellow crayon and 1 pencil.
M: Sounds like you had a good day! Are you excited to go back tomorrow?
E: Yeah! To do more fun stuff and lots of other things, like math and reading and eat lunch! And I would like not having to take any money to get milk because you already paid for it!
Sounds like a successful first day of school to me! We are so proud of him and can't wait to see how much he learns and grows this year!