Monday, October 31, 2016

Flag Football Jamboree

Oct. 9
At the end of the flag football season, the teams all get together to play on the Mt. Zion High School turf field, under the lights.  The kids love this fun night!  Ethan's team got to play 2 games and then were awarded their trophies.  Grandma Karen and Grandpa came up to watch Ethan run in his first touchdown of the season!  He was so excited about that (and I was bummed I didn't get it on video- but so happy I got to see it!)
Ethan is the 3rd from right in the black- running to try and pull a flag.
Here he's the 2nd from right going for an interception (or flag pull) :)!
Nora and Liz cheering in the stands
Ethan and his teammates after a fun night!
Showing off his trophy (not sure where he's looking)
Grandma and Grandpa with the kids
So proud of this boy!
All of us on the field!

Homecoming Parade

Oct. 5
The Mt. Zion Braves homecoming parade was such a fun time!  Since Ethan was in flag football, he got to walk and pass out candy in the parade.  The girls were excited about all the candy being thrown at them!
Waiting with her candy bag
Atley, running from the middle of the street after grabbing some candy.
Ethan, having fun in the parade.

Tap, Ballet & Tumbling

Oct. 5
Nora has been taking 1 class that includes tap, ballet and tumbling.  Parents are invited to watch during the last class of each session.  She is loving it so much that I signed her up for a second session.  Here are some pictures from that class!
Waiting her turn to tap across the floor.
Doing her 'sugars' across the floor 
This picture makes me laugh!  The various stages of the pencil roll.
Ballet twirl time
At the end of each class they "freeze dance" with scarves.  When the music stops, they have to freeze.


Oct 2
One Sunday afternoon, we took the kids out to Judy's pond for some fishing.  It had been quite a while since we had gone, so the kids were thrilled!  Nora and Ethan caught a ton of little blue gill.  Judy walked Atley around the whole pond to keep her entertained!  It was such a fun evening!

Atley Jane's 2nd Birthday

September 30 was Atley's 2nd birthday!  She is such a joy!  I love watching her learn things and try new words!  She is talking more and more everyday.  She weighs about 24 lbs.  She sleeps 12+ hours a night (usually).  She loves cheese, yogurt, and most fruits and veggies.  She doesn't love meat, but will eat some.  We call her our little vegetarian (and cheese-etarian).  She loves to be around the big kids and adores her big brother!  She can peddle a tricycle like a pro, loves picking up acorns and 'walmuts' outside and trying to hula hoop.  She pretty much wants to do everything her big sister does!  She talks all the time at home, but not always "on command" around people she doesn't know.  She has the best facial expressions I've ever seen!  And she makes us laugh daily.  She loves TV (not that that's a great thing), if it's on, she's captivated.  Bubble Guppies and Paw Patrol are her favorites.
Here are some pictures from her birthday!
Last sleep as a 1 year old!
She found some presents under her bed
And like the packing material the best!
Ethan, Atley & Nora
Excitedly waiting for a donut 
Birthday donut!
She got a pretend makeup kit and loves to put on the lipstick!
We went out for Mexican and she got the birthday treatment complete with fried ice cream!
Happy Birthday Atley!  We love you so so much!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Atley's 2nd Birthday Party

We celebrated Atley's birthday in Salem on Sept 17 with lots of family and Bubble Guppies :)!  We all had a great time and Atley was well celebrated!!
Pre party Bubble Guppy coloring pages
Nora pinning the tail on Molly
Atley's turn
She got a little help :)
Ready to blow out 2 candles
Scout, Atley, Finley, Ethan, Nora- enjoying some snacks
Present time!
She love the tissue paper more than the gifts, I think.
Except for this purse from Finley!  She loved this :).
Atley takes on the piñata.  She's got a good swing for 2 years old!
Nice swing, Ethan!  Wrong way!
Nora's turn!
Atley (with her purse on), Ethan and Nora
Cousins are the best!
Caleb, Grant, Finley, Atley, Ethan, Nora, Scout, Haley, Katie

School Days

Part of what I love about Nora's school is how involved parents are.  We are scheduled to help out in the classroom monthly and I really get to know the other students and parents.  Sept. 16 was my first day in her classroom.
Counting with "apple seeds"
Classroom selfie
Trying to balance during recess time
Singing songs before it's time to go
Sept. 27
I spent most of the day at Ethan's school helping out with the 2nd grade Johnny Appleseed day.  I cut dozens of apple slices for an apple taste test.  It was a lot of fun to spend the day at his school.  And I even got to take him out to lunch, just the 2 of us!
Apple taste testing
Look at that smile :)
Subway lunch date!
Sept 29
Ethan's class took a field trip to the apple orchard (the same one Nora's class went to).  I wasn't able to go, but a friend sent me this picture :).