May! May! Such a good month and another (you guessed it!) busy month!! Bathroom is finished! Pre-school graduation, exploring in our own neighborhood, dance recital, piano recital, more baseball and softball, last days of school, Ethan's birthday, strawberry picking and having fun!
I found the leaded window at a local antique store/botique and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it!
May 2 |
Bathtub and Shower (before the glass was installed)
May 4 |
Before and After!! (After shower glass was installed)
June 2 (It took a LONG time for the glass to be finished and installed) |
Vanity area- before/after |
Our small group made and served walking tacos after a service day in one of the Decatur neighborhoods. Atley decided to lay in the fritos box to eat her lunch!
May 6 |
My preschool graduate!
May7 |
Pre-School Program/Graduation |
Getting that diploma :) |
Family photo after Nora's preschool graduation/program
To celebrate, we went to Krave with Grandma Terri and Pop! |
Back behind the cul-de-sac in our neighborhood, there's a little pond. I was told that there were tons of tadpoles, so we ventured back to see what we could find!
May 7
Atley holding a tadpole! |
Ethan caught some too! |
Nora's turn |
Such a fun evening! |
Daddy and his girls...scooping up pond scum tadpoles! |
It's a miracle no one fell in! |
Nora's first softball game!
May 10 |
I love this picture! She was determined to tag...or jump on first base. (Note the runner calmly standing on the base already!) |
It was a 2 game night for us on May 12 |
This was Nora's first year for dance and she loved it! I really enjoyed helping her get ready for her first recital. She had 2 recitals.
Beautiful dancer...Night 1
May 9 |

Hanging out with Ms. Jan backstage! We loved her!
May 9 |
Nora's group before going onstage!
May 9 |
Sorry for the blurry pic...but you get the idea!
May 13 (night 2) |
Pop and Grandma Terri came to see her on night 2!
May 13 |
Grandma Karen came to night 1
May 9 |
So did Liz and Nikki!
May 9 |
Daddy and his girls :)
May 13 |
I think Ethan really liked the recital!
May 13 |
Mother's Day with my babies!
May 14 |
Summer porch :)
May 15 |
Early birthday lunch at school with Ethan
May 16 |
Nora's first and last days of preschool
Sept 8/May 17 |
Yay for summer! |
Ethan- First/Last day of 2nd Grade
Aug 18/May18 |
Jumping into summer! |
Ethan's piano recital. He did such a great job!
May 18 |
Atley was so excited to graduate to her toddler bed!! "I don't have a gate anymo!!"
May 20 |
Summer girl- enjoying some watermelon on the deck.
May 22 |
The first several days of summer, you could find these kids in the woods. Building their "fort"! I love it! They have continued to have so much fun down there all summer :)!
May 23 |
Working hard! |
12th Anniversary dinner with my best friend
May 26 |
May 28
Ethan is 8 this year! I can't believe we've been parents for 8 years! He is funny (and he knows it), so smart, kind, loves his family, friends and sports!
Birthday boy with his birthday donut! |
Quite excited with his new Cardinal's jersey. But most excited to learn that we were going to St. Louis for the weekend to see a Cardinal's game! (among other things) |
Fidget spinning Nora, on the way to StL |
Even Atley got one |
Cardinal tickets and a fidget spinner were the only things on his Birthday list |
First birthday stop in StL...Fitz's Rootbeer! It did not disappoint :). |
Next stop, StL Zoo! |
Love this family of mine :) |
Capped off the birthday festivities at Pi, pizza. So yummy! |
Monday, May 29 we started the day exploring the riverfront and checking out the arch.
Nora and Ethan |
Hanging out on the steps of the arch |
Measuring up against the flood water measurer. |
Nora's turn |
And Atley is the highest! |
Melt my heart :) |
Birthday boy and his mama |
About to get splashed by the Mississippi |
Oh Nora :) |
Just leaning on the arch. |
How high can you jump?? |
Nora girl and blue skies |
Cardinal game crew! (Notice the new hat on E...his dad is a sucker)
May 29 |
Sisters...with an Alex photobomb |
Ethan and Jared with their rally caps on...too bad it didn't help. |
Nora and Atley played with the Mehrle girls, so after the game we picked them up and stopped at Freddy's for some dinner and ice cream before heading home. It was a great weekend, celebrating Ethan! |
May 31
We went strawberry picking again this year and had a blast! We had quite the crew, and I hope we didn't do too much damage to their plants. I made jam and strawberry pie with this years haul.
Ethan |
Nora |
Atley |
I think we ended up with 10 lbs of strawberries! |
13 kids and 4 moms! |