Ethan had his 100th day of kindergarten yesterday. 100 days of kindergarten is a big deal :)!! He made a project for it and I was able to go help out in his classroom for their celebration. It was a fun afternoon!
We talked about a lot of different things he could do for his project. We ended up between something with 100 Legos or 100 colors. In the end, he chose 100 colors! I picked up a lot of paint chips, Ethan cut them all and glued them in groups of 10 according to their color. He had 10 different colors, so 10 groups with 10 colors= 100 Colors!
Glueing them on the board |
Finished product! |
For the celebration in his classroom, they had 4 different centers. At one, the made a fruit loop necklace with 100 fruit loops on it. The next, they wrote all the numbers from 1 to 100 and if they completed in the allotted time, they got a 100 Grand candy bar. After that was the 100 snacks table. They had 10 different bowls of snacks and were to count out 10 pieces from each bowl to put in a baggie to bring home. And at my center, we made 100 Crowns!
Putting groups of 10 links together. And yes...he has 2 red ribbons on him! 1 for being the Role Model of the Week and one for counting to 100 by 5's! |
Working on his 100 crown |
Finished product ;)! |
More putting links together |
Showing me his fruit loop necklace |
He came home that day with a "My 100 Book". It's pretty cute! Check out that picture of 105 year old Ethan!
If I had $100 I would buy..."2 $50 Lego boxs". I'm glad I don't have 100 "sistrs". I would eat 100 "of 50 pesis of candy and 50 cupcacs". I would never eat 100 "bunanus". I wish I had 100 "lego boxs". In 100 years I will look like this. |
I can't believe he is already more than half way through kindergarten! He's such a smart kid and is learning so much everyday! We couldn't be more proud of him :)!