Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekend in Salem

Ethan playing with Uncle Dustin

Haley and Henry the Turtle

Grandma & Ethan

Libby, Haley & Ethan

Alex, Abby, Haley & Libby
On Friday night, Jared and I decided at the last minute to head to Salem for the weekend. We had a great time seeing family. Aunt Abby was in town and so were Libby and Haley. Haley enjoyed meeting Henry the turtle and playing with 'EE'. Uncle Dustin was also in town, so Ethan got to play with him too.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Play Date

This morning I watched our neighbor's little boy, Braden. He is 2 days older than Ethan and both go to the same sitter, so they are bound to be good friends. Here are a few pictures of our morning playing.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yummy Cereal!

Last night we tried rice cereal for the first time with Ethan. I'm not sure that he actually swallowed any, but he did enjoy spitting it down his chin. Practice makes perfect I guess. Have a great day!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hanging Around the House

Jared had to go into work today (boo!), so it's just me and Ethan hanging out today. Today is the first time we've seen the sun in a couple days, so we decided to head out for a walk (go Cards!). Here are a few pictures from our days around the house.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall Fun

Sunday was such a beautiful day, we decided to venture out to the pumpkin patch. It was Ethan's first trip, of course, to pick out a pumpkin and he picked a good one :). After the pumpkin patch we went to an apple orchard for some fresh cider and apples. We had a great afternoon.

First Post

I have been following the blogs of several friends and really enjoy reading them and looking at their pictures. So, I thougt I would give it a try. We'll see how well I can keep up. My main goal for this blog is to give you all a little insight on the happenings around our house and keep you updated on our little Ethan.