Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday America!!

Today was a perfect 4th of July!  Jared had the day off and we were actually able to sleep in a bit!  After breakfast and a little family yard work we headed to the pool.  It was a great time and I remembered the camera this time!
Loving having Daddy with us!
Nora loves the pool!  She's not at all afraid of the water.
Looking ornery with that water squirter 
My 2 favorite guys!
Nora and Daddy, having some fun
Water boy!
Snack time, poolside 
Happy 4th of July!
This evening we Jared cooked a fantastic dinner.  We had grilled pork chops, grilled potatoes, green beans and biscuits...on the deck!  I can't believe how beautiful this weather is.  Jared wasn't even sweating!  It was perfect ending to our perfect day!
Ethan with his sunflowers.  (Check out his festive shirt!)
Oh, and for dessert...S'mores!

Ethan was sooo excited.  He has been wanting s'mores for a while now!
Sticky fingers
Nora's 1st S'mores
Pure Sweetness (while strapped into the highchair)
Happy 4th!  We are truly thankful for the men and women who have served and do serve our country!  Thanks bro!  Can't wait to have you home and see you again!
My brother, Jim, is currently serving in Afghanistan.  Should be home this month!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Beautiful Day!

Saturday, Jared's brother, Dustin married Amanda.  It was a beautiful ceremony and a great time!  Jared was the best man and Ethan was the ring bearer.  This was his ring bearer debut and he did great!  And, I think he was the cutest little ring bearer I've ever seen!  But I may be biased :).  I sat up close and took a lot of pictures during the wedding.  Here are some of my favorites.

Getting ready with the guys.

During the ceremony.
Eek!!  Isn't this just the cutest?!? 
The guys
Dustin's first look at his bride :)
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Collier!
Taking a few snapshots behind the photographer!
All the Colliers in attendance.  We're a big clan!
The Mark Collier Family :)
We clean up nicely :)
Reception Fun!

Beautiful flowers by Jody Smalley!
Mother, son dance.
Nora, having a good time at the reception
Ethan and Jared took on the task of decorating the get-away car!
Dustin and his wife, Amanda
It was a beautiful wedding!  We are so happy for this sweet couple!  Thanks for letting us be a part of your day!  Love you!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Busy Week

We just got home from a busy week in Salem.  It was a great, but very tiring, week.  I'm sure my mom is enjoying her quite house, right about now :)!
Ethan and his cousin, Scout, had swim lessons together.  They both had a wonderful time, and both passed to the next level!  Here are a few pictures from their lessons.

Ethan, also, learned to ride a bike without training wheels while at Grandma Terri's.  We didn't help him at all.  He basically just got on and started riding!  The balance bike he has been using for the past 2 years, worked!!  (The only bike we had that fit him was a princess one...he didn't care though!)
This is the only help he had... The first time he got on, Jared helped balance him and as soon as he got his feet on the pedals, off he went!
Like a pro!
Now, we just need to get him a bike for our house.  He wasn't too excited about getting back on his strider today, but he did :).

Finley, Scout and Ethan played a lot together (and sometimes, Nora joined in).  It was a fun time!

There also happened to be a wedding this past week ;).  Jared's brother, Dustin married Amanda on Saturday.  I'll devote a whole post to that soon!  It was a beautiful day and a great time had by all!  We are trying to recover today, hanging out at home!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The " Big Course"

Today was a day Ethan has been waiting for, for over a year. He finally got to play golf on the "big course" (as he calls it). He and Jared played 9 holes with a cart and Ethan was in heaven (as was his daddy, I'm sure)! I should have sent the camera, but I failed. Here are a few (phone) pictures from their first round of golf together!

Ethan's first tee shot!

Big boy, riding in the cart.

Action shot

Jared said he did pretty well, and kept a score card to frame for him :). I foresee lots of father/son golfing in their future.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Photo Friday...Week 39

Nora had pink eye a week or so ago, so these pictures are from then.  Ethan managed to not get it, which I was so happy about!!  She took her eye drops like a champ!
Taking Care of a Sick Child
Sweet Girl