Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Party Hardy!

We spent this past weekend in Salem celebrating lots of birthdays!  February seems to be a busy one for our family.  Finley (my cousin's daughter) turned 4 on the 12th, my nephew Josiah turned 4 and Caleb (another cousin's son) turned 2 a week later and one more week later, Callum (yet, another cousin's son) also turned 2.  Confused yet?  Anyway, lots of birthdays, not to mention the adults with February days!  It's always crazy and fun when we all get together with the little ones. 

Saturday we celebrated with Caleb at his house.  His party was camo/Army themed, complete with an Army truck in the front yard!
Camo Caleb and Timm

He was loving being the center of attention!

Uncle Mike taking Paige, Jim, Josiah, Ethan and Jared for an Army truck ride

Sunday afternoon we had a combined party for Josiah and Finely.  This party was a Batman/Tangled themed.
Birthday Boy Josiah

Josiah, Shannon and Paige opening presents

Finley opening her presents

Paige modeling the Rapunzel hair that Kacey made for the girls

Some of the kids at the growing kids table

Ethan, enjoying his ice cream
The weekend was fun and tiring.  Here are some random pictures from the rest of the weekend!
Nora and I at Caleb's party

Lego fun with Ethan, Jim and Josiah

Nora and Katie...Best Friends!

Nora (almost 4 months), Katie (6 months)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

White Valentine's Day!

What a beautiful day!  I woke up to Ethan saying, "Come see what's outside!"  He was so excited about the snow.  He hasn't gotten to play in the snow this year, so we bundled up and headed out for a while.  But not until after he got his Valentine's Day goodies.  He picked his singing, pop-up, Spiderman card at the store and I bought it without him knowing, so he was very excited when he opened it!
Candy and fruit punch for breakfast is okay, right?!?

Nora is all smiles, as usual!
Happy Valentine's Day from Nora!

Some Valentine fun in the snow...

His 1st Snowman!

Our 2 Little Valentines!

She wasn't too sure about 'playing' in the snow.

Jared and I are celebrating our 12th Valentine's Day together!  TWELVE!  That's crazy.  It was 12 years ago on Sunday that he first asked me out on a date and I, of course, said yes.  And then 4 years after that, he asked me to marry him (which, again, YES was the answer!)  Happy Valentine's Day/Anniversary Jared!  Here's to many many more!!  Love you lots!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week In Photos

Not too much happening around here this past week.  We've had some pretty rocking dance parties in the kitchen...

Nora had her fisrt bottle... (I've got Mom's night out planned for this Saturnday!  So we thought we should try a bottle before then.)

She chugged it!
Nora enjoyed some time in the bumbo and tried to roll over...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is It Really The End of January?!?

The weather has been very warm for this time of year, around these parts.  So, yesterday and today we decided to take advantage of the spring-like temps and outside we went.  Yesterday, we just went to the backyard for some baseball and exploring fun.  Today, we went to the park.  It was super windy, so we didn't stay long (and it was naptime).  Ethan hasn't forgotten how much he loves to play outside!

Playing under the treehouse

Just exploring the backyard...and being cute!

Ringing the bell

At the park

Just saying 'HI!'

Nora prefers her playtime to be indoors...not that I blame her :).

She's getting better at this tummy time thing!
 We also had some visitors over the weekend.  My dad had a meeting in Champaign on Friday morning, so he stopped by on his way home.  He stayed the afternoon and for dinner.  It was a good time, as Ethan always loves his Pop time!
This was just after Ethan got up from nap.  He was still in cuddle-mode.
And on Sunday, Grandma Karen and Grandpa came up.  I didn't take a single picture, but we had a great time.  Not that Ethan doesn't love his Grandma's...but he sure has a special bond with the Grandpa's!  He and Mark played & played and laughed & laughed!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

3 Months!!

Nora is 3 months old today and she:
  • Is growing like crazy!
  • Has the most beautiful eyes...ever! 
  • Is sleeping like a champ- Tuesday night she slept from 9pm to 8:30am! (Typically 10 hours though)
  • Loves to smile and 'talk' to us.  She has the sweetest voice :)
  • Is crazy about her brother and he's pretty crazy about her!
  • Likes to suck on her hand, but is getting the hang of a pacifier.
  • Isn't showing too much interest in rolling over.
  • Is starting to show interest in toys and rattles and will hold things when placed in her hands.
  • Is eating every 3-4 hours during the day, unless she is napping really well!
  • Has found her tongue...and likes to stick it out.
  • Is ticklish on her neck and even laughs when we tickle her!
  • Still loves bath time.
  • Is such a blessing to our family!!
At home measurements:  Weight: 14 lbs, Length: 24 1/2 in

Here are some pictures from our photoshoot this morning.  I can't believe our baby is already 3 months old!

Happy 3 Month Old Girl

Our Cute Bundle!

Bright blue eyes

Showing off her tongue

Ethan wanted in on the photoshoot

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Potty Boot Camp

Yep, that's right!  This morning we took the diapers away and brought out the Mickey Mouse, Cars and Italian (thanks mom and dad) underpants.  We have been mentally preparing ourselves for a while and decided now was the time.  He has done awesome!  Before today, he had never told us that he had to go #1, let alone actually go.  He has told us everytime and has gone everytime today!  I won't get into the details but #2 is going just as well!  Aside from the excitement of the new big boy underpants, he gets a sticker for his potty chart and 2 M&M's when he goes.  We even made it through naptime with no accidents!  I know...we're only on day 1, but I'm feeling good about where we stand!

Checking himself out!
Straight from Italy!

His (home made) Potty Chart :).  Currently we are to #13...3 more until prize time!

This and That

Sorry for the lack of posts...we're still here!  Just not a lot going on, I guess.  Anyway, I've gone through some pictures from the last week or so and picked some to share.  Have a great week!

Ethan loves to play the house.  This is our compromise.  He gets a cup as a bat, and the ball is soft.  He's getting pretty good with the 'batting'.

Flying Nora!

Pretend napping...complete with a minion from Despicable Me

Real 5:30 pm, because he refused to sleep during naptime. 
 And a few of beautiful Nora!  She is smiling and talking a lot now, and starting to laugh some too!

This happens often after supper... Dance parties in the kitchen.  He really gets into them :).