Tuesday, July 6, 2010

News Flash!!

Just a quick post from our vacation...Ethan is walking!  He has taken steps in the past by himself, but he is really getting the hang of this walking thing.  I'll be working on a video for sometime in the future but here's an action shot for now...

Friday, July 2, 2010

1st Haircut

I finally had Ethan's hair cut today.  He had grown quite the baby mullet and it was time to get it under control.  I already miss being able to run my hands through his long, blonde locks, but it does look great.  He looks like a little boy now and not a baby (*tear*).  I can't believe how great he did during the appointment.  I thought I was going to have to hold him but he sat on that booster seat like a champ!  Here a few before, during and after pictures...
Before...just a little shaggy.

The first few snips!  Look how serious he is :)!
Baby mohawk (Again with the seriousness)

After!  He looks so grown up!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Little of This and a Little of That...

This is a somewhat random assortment of things to put into one post...but I have some really cute pictures from the last few days to share.  A quick recap of what's been going on in the Collier household.  Ethan is slowly starting to walk...he has taken 3 or 4 unassisted steps!  He has also learned to stand up on his own from sitting down!  I will be working hard to capture these moments on video for a future post : ).  He also is into getting inside anything and everything.  He likes laundry baskets, regular baskets and really just anything that has an opening large enough for at least one leg to fit in...

Basket for blankets...and Ethan

His drum...after dumping all the instruments that are supposed to be in there.

We've also started doing a little bike riding.  We got a seat for Ethan at a garage sale, and surprisingly enough, all the pieces were there.  Until yesterday we had been borrowing our neighbors helmet for Ethan, but we are now the proud owners of our very own brain bucket!  (That way we can ride with Heather and Braden).  Jared doesn't have a bike yet...but we're on the hunt. (So, if you know of a decent one for a decent price let us know) 

His helmet is a little cockeyed...but we've since fixed that.

And finally...today after a long bike ride, playing in the park and in the back yard, this is how Ethan finished up his lunch.

Tired little boy :)
Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trip to the Salem Waterpark!

We headed to Salem for the weekend and just had to visit the new Salem Aquatic Center.  It's seriously like a small waterpark...we pretty much spent our time in the shallow end, but we did venture down to the 'Green Scream' waterslide.  I must admit it was pretty fun...and fast!  I only took a few pictures while at the pool, but enjoy!

Ethan, Abby and Alex enjoying some pool fun!

Wayne, Libby and Haley

Jared, Ethan and Pop splashing around

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Daddy's Day

Today is Jared's 2nd Father's Day as a dad.  He and Ethan have quite a special bond.  I like to watch Ethan's face everytime his daddy walks into the room.  His eyes get wide and he smiles great big and usually lunges for him.  No doubt, before long he will be running towards Jared when he gets home from work or walks into the room.  Here are some of my favorite father/son pictures from the last year or so.  Thanks for being a great dad, Jared.  And a thanks to both Jared's dad, Mark, and my dad, David, for always being there for us.  We love you!
The day we came home from the hospital (5.30.09)

Ethan's 1st Cardinal Game (7.19.09)

Halloween (10.30.09)

Christmas Time (12.27.09)

Father's Day 2010 (6.20.10)

Father's Day 2010 (6.20.10)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Golf Fun!

Every year the Women's Futures Tour (it's the tour before they get to the LPGA) has a golf tournament in Decatur at one of the park district courses.  This year Tate and Lyle, Jared's company, sponsored the event so we got a couple free passes.  It was a beautiful morning and we decided to head up to the tournament for some golf spectating and outdoor time.  Ethan had a great time playing in the grass and picking up acorns.  Cameras and phones are not (technically) allowed, but I snuck a few quick, silent pictures. 

Daddy and Ethan before heading home for naptime

Very prepared...he brought his own golf ball

Watching the action

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Off to the Zoo Again!!

This morning, I decided that Ethan and I would head to the zoo again.  It's a beautiful day and I wanted to get out and enjoy it!  This trip the animals were a bit more active and I can always tell when Ethan sees the animals.  He sits up really straight in his stroller and starts making noises at them...so cute! 

Cheetahs just relaxing

Ethan next to the tortoise exhibit

Ethan and the Emu

After we finished our tour around Scovill Zoo, we met Jared for lunch.  The timing worked out great and Ethan loves to see his daddy in the middle of the day.  We had a nice lunch and on the less than 5 minute drive home, Ethan fell asleep...and was out!  I was able to get him inside, change his diaper and lay him down for a nap, all without him waking up.  Such a funny and worn out kid.  Happy Wednesday!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Oh Nap time...

I love Ethan and I love the time we spend together...but I also love nap time.  He has gotten in to a pretty good nap time groove where he will sleep for a couple hours (sometimes 3) in the afternoon.  It gives me a chance to get some things done around the house or just relax a little.  Usually about 5 or 10 minutes after I put him in his bed he is done talking (or sometimes crying) and I go in to make sure he is asleep.  This is what I found this afternoon...

Notice Elmo's face being smashed into the mattress...

Sorry about photo quality...I used my phone for this one.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A few old ones and a few new ones...

We have had Ethan's picture taken several times throughout this first year and I thought I would share his first year in photos.  Enjoy!

3 Months & 6 Months

9 Months & 12 Months

Our most recent family shot

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Video...

Here is a video of Ethan having some fun with one of his birthday presents. He loves this toy and is actually figuring out what to do with it. Thanks Phillip and Amanda. Enjoy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ethan, the Dog??

Recently Ethan has been 'barking' when he sees a dog.  We weren't sure if he was just making noise or if he was actually barking.  Either way, it's pretty cute.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gone Fishing!

This afternoon we decided to head out to the pond to do a little fishing.  A work friend of mine has a pond in her backyard and she has graciously allowed us to fish there (catch and release).  I'm not much into cleaning, cooking and eating fresh fish so I'm fine with throwing the little guys back.  This was Ethan's first fishing trip and he had a good time picking some 'flowers' from the grass around the pond.  He was also pretty interested in the out of water fish.

Watching Daddy fish

'Flower Pickin'

Ethan helped reel this one in!

I caught one too...and Ethan really wanted to hold it!