Thursday, January 26, 2012

3 Months!!

Nora is 3 months old today and she:
  • Is growing like crazy!
  • Has the most beautiful eyes...ever! 
  • Is sleeping like a champ- Tuesday night she slept from 9pm to 8:30am! (Typically 10 hours though)
  • Loves to smile and 'talk' to us.  She has the sweetest voice :)
  • Is crazy about her brother and he's pretty crazy about her!
  • Likes to suck on her hand, but is getting the hang of a pacifier.
  • Isn't showing too much interest in rolling over.
  • Is starting to show interest in toys and rattles and will hold things when placed in her hands.
  • Is eating every 3-4 hours during the day, unless she is napping really well!
  • Has found her tongue...and likes to stick it out.
  • Is ticklish on her neck and even laughs when we tickle her!
  • Still loves bath time.
  • Is such a blessing to our family!!
At home measurements:  Weight: 14 lbs, Length: 24 1/2 in

Here are some pictures from our photoshoot this morning.  I can't believe our baby is already 3 months old!

Happy 3 Month Old Girl

Our Cute Bundle!

Bright blue eyes

Showing off her tongue

Ethan wanted in on the photoshoot

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Potty Boot Camp

Yep, that's right!  This morning we took the diapers away and brought out the Mickey Mouse, Cars and Italian (thanks mom and dad) underpants.  We have been mentally preparing ourselves for a while and decided now was the time.  He has done awesome!  Before today, he had never told us that he had to go #1, let alone actually go.  He has told us everytime and has gone everytime today!  I won't get into the details but #2 is going just as well!  Aside from the excitement of the new big boy underpants, he gets a sticker for his potty chart and 2 M&M's when he goes.  We even made it through naptime with no accidents!  I know...we're only on day 1, but I'm feeling good about where we stand!

Checking himself out!
Straight from Italy!

His (home made) Potty Chart :).  Currently we are to #13...3 more until prize time!

This and That

Sorry for the lack of posts...we're still here!  Just not a lot going on, I guess.  Anyway, I've gone through some pictures from the last week or so and picked some to share.  Have a great week!

Ethan loves to play the house.  This is our compromise.  He gets a cup as a bat, and the ball is soft.  He's getting pretty good with the 'batting'.

Flying Nora!

Pretend napping...complete with a minion from Despicable Me

Real 5:30 pm, because he refused to sleep during naptime. 
 And a few of beautiful Nora!  She is smiling and talking a lot now, and starting to laugh some too!

This happens often after supper... Dance parties in the kitchen.  He really gets into them :).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fun Times

Well, it seems that winter has found us.  It's currently 17 degrees with blowing snow.  We are inside!  Anyway, on Monday, Abby came up to hang out with us and we had a good time just hanging out around the house.  She and Ethan have quite a special bond right now.  (When asked who his best friend is, he answers Abby!)  They played a lot downstairs.  According to Ethan, they played hockey, golf and yoga...
Hockey/Golf (Check out the serious look on Abby's face...)

High sticking on Ethan!

Ethan wasn't too interested in the yoga
 Nora has been enjoying her tummy time more and more lately.  And by enjoying, I mean she doesn't scream as soon as I roll her over...

I know I'm biased, but isn't she pretty?!?

Just you think they look alike??  This is Ethan at 3 months...

Tummy time for Ethan
One more blog-worthy photo... I got a bird feeder and hook for Christmas.  It is squirrel 'proof', but that doesn't mean they won't give it a go.  I'm also afraid that it is cardinal proof too, they just can't figure it out.  Someday, hopefully.

Friday, January 6, 2012

To the Park in January!

It's not that often the weather is nice enough around here in January to play outside...but today I think we topped out around 61 degrees and sunny!  We just couldn't resist a trip to the park.  The park we go to has a pond with lots of sidewalks along with a playground.  We took Ethan's bike and Nora's stroller and had a great walk/ride around before finding some slides to go down.  This park is so pretty...I think we'll have to try a photo shoot there in the summer!
Biking around the pond!

Such a handsome boy

Look close, neither foot is touching...

Nora all bundled up, enjoying her morning at the park too.
Riding in the sand is hard work...I ended up carrying the bike for this portion of our walk.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bittersweet Goodbye

One of my best friends, Elizabeth (find here blog here) has, temporarily, moved back to Salem. Actually, she has moved into one of her childhood homes. One that I used to walk through the woods, across the street and through the field (or seemed like a field at the age of 6) to get to. We have a lot of fun memories from that house, so it was really great to visit with her there. She and her adorable family will be heading overseas to spread the Gospel of Jesus to the Middle East.  While it is hard to say goodbye, not knowing when we will see each other again, it is awesome to know that she and her family are obediently following our God!

Here we are in her backyard somewhere around 1988, maybe??
And here we are 20+ years later.  Too bad we didn't recreate the pose...

The kids had a good time playing while we visited for a while. 

Ethan and Andrew (2 months apart) with Hap
Ethan- 2 1/2, Nora- 2 mo, Andrew- 2 1/2, Jacob- 4 mo, Sam- 4 1/2
Please remember the Jolliff family in your prayers as they begin their lives in the Middle East.
Hap and Elizabeth, I am so proud to call you friends and will miss you dearly!  We love you all!

More Christmas Vacation!

We spent about 2 weeks in Salem around Christmas.  (With a trip back home, here and there.)  Since Abby and Alex, along with some of our cousins were in town, we decided to stay and hang out.  Poor Jared had to come back and work some though :(.  Anyway, we had a great time.  Ethan and all the other kiddos get along pretty well (most of the time), and they enjoyed having other little people to play with.  Enjoy some pictures of our time with family!
3 Cousins in a tub!  Paige-5 1/2, Ethan-2 1/2, Josiah- 4(in Feb)


Just stole this cute one from Amanda's blog :)
Nativity Fun!

In the next several pictures, you will notice a black shirt theme...Squibb Tank Company (the family business) is celebrating 50 years.  Shirts were made and worn to to Squibb family get together!
Ethan and Tyler

The Daddy's entertaining the boys...Jared & Ethan, Timm & Caleb, Micah & Scout
The 3rd annual 'Rob Your Neighbor' gift exchange was a big hit again.  It didn't get too vicious this year,  but there was some stealing going on.   I wish I would have gotten a picture of the kids upstairs.  We were in the basement and left all of the kids (for a while, at least) upstairs with popcorn and a movie.  It was pretty cute to see 11 kids in the living room watching Tangled.  There were 14 in all, counting the babies who hung with their mama's. 

Kacey, Sara, Markey, Tom, Amanda, Shannon

Abby, Alex, Beth, Steve, Linda, Wayne (and baby Nora)

Shannon, Jim, Abby

My lovely Mama, Libby, Katie, Josh

Nora even got a Squibb Tank Shirt and her Daddy opted for the baby blue short sleeved version
And, last but not least...the group shot!

Thank-you Michael Brandon for hanging out with our family and taking our picture!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas: Part 1

Our Christmas weekend didn't turn out exactly as planned, but we had a great one.  We had planned on staying at home and then heading down to Salem on Christmas day, but we were here earlier in the week.  Jared's uncle David passed away and we were here for the services and it didn't make sense to drive back and forth.  No worries...Santa found us here in SoIL. 
We started our gift opening on Christmas eve at Jared's parents house.  We had a great meal and an overall great day.

Jared, Nora and Dustin

Ethan and Grandma Karen

Opening some presents!
 After our day at the Collier's we headed back into town to get ready for the Christmas Eve Service at church.  I have gone to Christmas Eve service for as long as I can remember.  There is just something amazing about gathering together and remembering the real reason we are all together!
Our Family all ready for church

Ethan and Nora in their snowman pjs

He sang us Jingle Bells before bed...I didn't even know he knew the song.

Christmas morning, we got up and went to church (I'm not sure we will ever be able to hold off Christmas morning again) and while there, Santa came!

Checking out the stocking

Nora was thrilled with her new purse and cell phone...

Say Cheese!

Abby, Nora and Pop

Alex and Abby giving Ethan a Spiderman tattoo

Grilling some meat