Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Indy Vacay

This past weekend we went to Indianapolis for a mini family vacation.  We had a great time swimming, going to parks, going to the zoo and just being goofy in our hotel room.  Things started to turn south on Saturday night, when Ethan decided to get sick.  But it could have been much worse, and we are thankful that he woke up Sunday morning like nothing ever happened.  I have a ton of pictures to share...so enjoy!
PJ and iPad fun!
First up, Friday evening, we headed to a nearby park.  Such a fun time!

Families who rock on the springy horse things together, stay together :)
The park also had this random hill, so we climbed it :).
So sweet!
King of the hill
Family Photo Op
This is one of my favorite pictures of these two!
Our sweet, almost 2 year old, girl
Saturday, we headed to the zoo.  Indy has a very nice zoo and we had a great time!

Nora wanted down...
Elephants were Ethan's favorite (see the baby?!)
All better, now that she's not in a stroller or arms.
Water is so fun
Such a good looking kid
Ethan and the sharks (he wouldn't touch them)
Giraffes are cool
Ethan is a big bat... 
Nora, not as big :)
They are growing up so fast!
Ethan's first roller coaster!  He loved it! (except he was starting to get sick by this point...)

Riding the choo choo
Finishing the day with some ice cream
Due to the events of Saturday night (aka: puke), we decided to keep it low key and head home early on Sunday.  We found another park and spent some time there before heading home.
Swinging with my boy
Running on the jiggly bridge
Jared and Nora sliding
My favorite picture from the weekend, of my favorite people!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Photo Friday...Week 41

Now that Ethan is quite proficient in riding his bike without training wheels, we have been going on bike rides all the time. Nora rides in the baby seat on the back of my bike and we take off. We are blessed with lots of sidewalks and bike trails around. Today we went on our longest ride yet. We had to stop to check out the soybeans and the corn {daddy will be proud}.

Riding bikes together. {I need a longer arm ☺}

Ethan and the beans.

Every time we stopped for more than a second, Nora wanted out. Which is why her face looks so pained in all these pictures. She really does enjoy riding along!

Look at him go!! He has started standing up to peddle now...to go faster!

We need to get Jared a bike so we can all go! It has become one of my favorite things to do with the kids in the mornings.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Water Day 2013!

The annual water day at our church was yesterday.  This is an event specifically for the pre-school aged kids {and siblings} in our church.  This is a day Ethan looks forward to all year long!  It was supposed to be in July, but got rained out and rescheduled for yesterday.  We have gone the last couple years {check out 2012 and 2011}.  Both kids had a blast!  Ethan is old enough, that I didn't have to follow him everywhere he went, but Nora sure kept me on my toes... but that's nothing new :).
This is an instagram collage from my phone.  I thought the corn dog picture was priceless :)!
Ethan had such a great time!!  And now, he's almost one of the 'big kids' {*tear*}

He was so proud of this upside down, head first slide.
Nora was everywhere!  She so badly wanted to go down the big slides all by herself, maybe next year.
There she goes...
Ethan is such a helpful big brother
Loving the big slide
The tongue out is cracking me up.  She was spinning circles in the pool.
Here are some of my sweet kids together on the slide.  Ethan really was such a good helper with Nora.  I'm a lucky mama!