Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Trip to the "Farm"

Last Friday Ethan had a class field trip to a farm.  Or, at least it was called a farm.  The kids were excited about seeing tractors and animals and everything that comes with a farm.  It turned out to be a couple with a great garden they sell produce from.  It was a nice day and the kids enjoyed being outside.  These people have 6 or 7 large garden plots and grow everything from lettuce to strawberries to apples and peaches.
Learning about strawberries
Silly boy
4 year old preschool class

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend

We headed south for our Easter weekend.  Easter is such a humbling and emotional holiday for me.  It's difficult to wrap my head around what happened 2000 years ago.  But, I'm so grateful that Jesus died for me, and even more so that He was risen from death and is alive!  It is also such a fun time for us and the kids.  And let me tell you, we had a great (and exhausting) weekend!
I started Saturday with a baby shower with my mom for one of my best friends, Sara.  She had twin girls 3 months ago and I was so happy to get to meet them!  They are soooo sweet!
Sara and I with Mary Charlotte and Elizabeth
While I was at the shower, Jared took the kids out to his parents house where they had a great time (I met them out there later).  They had a little Easter egg hunt, played outside a ton, helped Grandpa plant some roses, played in the dirt, dug up worms and a lot more.
Finding some Easter eggs
Playing in the dirt
Found a worm...
He's all boy!
This was the result of the fun filled day at Grandma Karen and Grandpa's house.
Later on Saturday, we took the kids for a ride in my dad's convertible.  This was Nora's first ride!  She was confused as the top went down, but she loved it!
Happy kids!
Wind blown :)
Sunday, we got up and got all dressed and ready for church.  We also had a yummy lunch, where we all ate too much and more outside play.  We couldn't have asked for better weekend weather!  Also, you can't get past Easter Sunday without lots of pictures :).  
5 of 8 cousins. Tyler, Nora, Ethan, Josiah & Paige
The 4 littles (Tyler had moved on by now)
Ethan and Nora
Love them so much!
Mom and Dad with Jim, Abby and myself (we missed Sarah)
Our annual Easter sister pic.  Love this girl :).
Nora, having some fun with Uncle Jim
Nora loves her Pop!
Happy Easter from our family to yours!  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Egg Dying Fun!

We got some egg dye at the store today and the kids were chomping at the bit to color some eggs!  I tried to have them wait until Jared got home from work, but they wouldn't hear of it!  So, we had some old fashioned egg dying fun this afternoon.  They loved it and I loved that we didn't make a gigantic mess all over the kitchen :).
First egg in!
She made me nervous every time she moved ;).  I envisioned pink grout on the tile floors.
Cute kids!
Getting creative with a 2-toned one.
And the finished products!  They kit came with stickers, so there are random stickers on some.
So proud of their handiwork :)!


Saturday was a bike-a-thon fundraiser for Ethan's school.  He was really excited about participating.  The weather was really nice this year (it got rained out last year)!  Basically, the kids rode in circles for about 20 minutes and then we all went inside for lunch and a couple games for the kids.  Most of the kids ended up back outside riding more, sidewalk chalking or blowing bubbles.  It was a good time and a fun way to raise money for the preschool.

Riding for some cash ;)
Excited spectators! (And smudgy glasses)
He's getting into it now!
Waiting in line for lunch.  They have been into trying to pick each other up.  Ethan actually can pick Nora up.
She got in on the fun too.  Blowing some bubbles.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Monkey at the Park

A couple days ago, we met some friends at the park.  The weather is getting nicer and nicer, and we are so happy!!  Ethan discovered the monkey bars and surprised himself and me with how well he did.  He made it all the way across once and really close several times.  Here are a few pictures of our morning at the park!
Nora can do most things at the park and loves her freedom ;)
Ethan with his friend Soren
Monkey Boy!
There may have been some rubber in his mouth after the 2nd fall...but no blood or loose teeth, so we're good :)!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Last Saturday we ventured out to a local Easter egg hunt.  We met some friends there and had a great morning.  We had both kids in the same area, so that was nice.  I think we were told to stick to a 10 egg limit per child, but both Jared and I missed that memo...oops.  The kids didn't have excessive amounts of eggs, but I think they were both over the limit by a few.  At one point, Ethan gave is bag to Jared so he could get 2 at a time.  Yes...I forgot the cute baskets or buckets, so we had Target bags.  The kids didn't notice though.
Patiently waiting for the countdown
Ethan is off to the races
Now he's serious about it...2 hands :)
Nora did great and she knew what to do!!
Fun morning with Kelton and Soren!
Nora is checking out her loot!
She even got to meet the Easter Bunny.   Ethan wasn't interested ;).
Such a fun morning.  When did these kids get so big?!?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Ethan and Nora are excited about something :)!!
Check out Nora's new shirt
In case you couldn't read the other one!
Look how excited they are!
Happy Big Bro, Cardinals fan!
If all the pictures weren't clear enough...we will be welcoming baby Collier #3 to our family sometime around October 2!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring is Coming!

Yesterday and today have given us some real glimpses of spring!  Yahoo!!  We have been taking advantage and spending some time playing outside.  These pictures are from yesterday.  Ethan is borrowing a 'real, metal bat' to practice for baseball this summer.  He has been itching to try it out with daddy as his pitcher.  I must say, he was great (even if it was a tennis ball)!!

 After some baseball, I got out the bag toss game and that kept the kids entertained for quite some time :).
Until they moved on to digging in the rocks with beach toys...

And, my final sign that spring is coming...Opening Day!!  I made sure our new flag was out for the first game WIN of the season!
Happy Spring!!