Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter Sunday

What a beautiful Easter Sunday we had here!  We started the day checking out Easter baskets before getting ready for church.  Then went to church to celebrate our Risen Jesus!  Since there were no classes for school-aged kids, Ethan got to come to "big church" with Jared and I.  I love having him in there on occasion.  And he's becoming quite the reader, so he was able to sing along with us, with the words up on the screen. 
First up, Easter baskets!
Nora is excited about their new movie
Ethan loved playing Scrabble!
Happy girl with her Easter goodies
Atley's first Easter!
Before church, I snapped a few pictures of our kiddos in their Easter finest :).
Ethan and Nora
Love these 3!
Silly girl ;)
Mr. Handsome
Happy Easter! Jesus is ALIVE!
I never got around to making a menu and shopping for an Easter after church, we went to Texas Roadhouse!  It was delicious and fun!  And Atley got her very own seat at the table :)!
Our side of the table!
Nora and Daddy- she always chooses to sit by daddy
While Atley was napping, we decided to throw together a last minute egg hunt for Ethan and Nora in the backyard.  They loved it!  
Coming down the hill, ready to hunt!
Nora's first egg!
Silly boy...checking out the content before putting it in his bucket :)
Looking for more!
Nora got one!
And another!
Climbing the ladder to get to one
She's so cute!
Time to open them up!
Happy kids = Happy parents
Candy, snacks, money AND a coupon for ice cream!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Mini Golf

The mini golf place opened up for the season recently, so we decided to go yesterday.  It was so fun!  Nora did much better this year and actually played all 18 holes and Ethan, of course, loved it!
Such a good big brother!
Hanging with the flamingos
Good putt, Ethan!
Daddy, helping Nora
She was so excited every time she hit the ball in the hole!
Ethan got a hole in 1!
And I got back to back holes in 1 :)!
Sitting pretty on the peacock
I love these two, so much!
We finished our fun outing with some fro-yo at Cherry Berry!

Atley Meets Food

Since starting rice cereal and oatmeal with Atley, we've introduced peas, green beans, mum mums and puffs!  She isn't overly excited about food, actually.  She tolerates it and will eat it, but doesn't get excited.
First up, peas...  (March 31)
Let's see...
Not sure...
And a big fat, no thank-you!
Since peas were a no go, I broke out the mum mums!  She enjoyed them!
Much better :)!
I will admit, I made the peas and I don't think I got them smooth enough for her.  There was gagging involved.  We decided to try some Gerber-made green beans the next time (April 2).  She was much more into those.  She even finished half the container.  
Happier girl with green beans
Atley got some puffs in her Easter basket, so we tried them out tonight.  She enjoyed trying to pick them up and get them off her fingers.  
Checking it out.
Got it!
This baby girl is growing up way too fast!  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Long Weekend

Ethan has been on spring break all week and Jared had a few vacation days to use before April, so, last Friday we headed to Salem to spend a few days.  We ate a lot, went to a Dr. Seuss birthday party, played outside, dyed Easter eggs, took walks, played games, had dental appointments and had a great visit!
Ethan- experimenting with static electricity and a balloon ;)
Pop and Nora- listening to a Dr. Seuss story at his party!
Waiting patiently to dye some Easter eggs
So serious!
And not so serious!
Playing Sesame Street memory
She's found her tongue!
Baseball with daddy
Walks with Grandma Terri
He's ready for baseball season!
Atley is enjoying her outside time
Sweet, silly girl
Both big kids (and parents) had dental appointments with Pop.
Ethan doing great with some x-rays 
When did he get so big?!?
Nora and Pop- no cavities!
Nora- doing great with the x-rays
Silly boy!
Nora's first trip to the dentist!
She did so so good!!

"Bunny Bag Hunt"

Last Friday, Ethan had a 1/2 day and part of that day was a "Bunny Bag Hunt".  Jared took the day off, so I decided to go help Ethan's class.  I got there a little after some of the other parents, so all the bags were filled already.  All the kindergarten classes participate.  The kids each decorate a bag with a bunny and their name, then the parents donate candy, Easter eggs and assorted other items.  The bags are then filled and placed all around the playground at the school.  After all the bags were out on the playground, the kids came out and searched for their bag.  It sounds easy, but with 180 (or so) kids and white bags, it's difficult to find your own bag.  I walked around with Ethan and it took him a while to find his bag.  It was cold, but so fun!
Ethan with his buddies- Liam and Jaxson, waiting to get to the playground
No Ethan bag here!
Ethan and Jaxson running to find their bags
So excited :)
Found it next to that purple post!
Showing me his bag!
Silly boys