Saturday, July 9, 2016

Salem Trip

We made our first trip in a while to Salem over the first weekend of June.  We had a fun time with family!
We went to the Salem pool!
Making his way across the sharks and icebergs
Haley, Nora, Finley and Katie
Our first time with Margo in Salem!
Nora snuggle time
And Ethan too!
The kids had been watching frogs jump all over down in the "pit", so Jared decided to take them down and help them collect them all!
They had a blast!
Nora has one to put in the bucket!
Proud of their capture
I think there are 20 or so!!
We went out to Grandma Karen and Grandpa's for a day too.
Ethan opening his birthday present from them! A remote control monster car!

Atley liked Grandpa's wooden chair
Baseball birthday cake

Side by side ride with Uncle Dustin and Grandpa!
And on Sunday, we had the Annual Squibb Family Reunion in the park!
Atley girl hanging out!
Ethan had fun riding a scooter at the skate park
Nora the monkey

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Strawberry Picking

We went to pick our own strawberries on June 1 with Emily and her boys!  It was the first time I've taken the kids and they loved it!  It wasn't too hot, so that made it more enjoyable too!  We ended up with about 9 pounds of strawberries.  Strawberry shortcake, strawberry crumble and strawberry jelly along with a lot of eating them off the stem!
Silly boy!
Hard working pickers :)
And hard working eaters!
She loved it
Pretty girl
The whole berry picking crew!
My 3 with our haul :)!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Springfield Sliders

On May 29, we took the kids to a Springfield Sliders baseball game.  It was so much fun!  We got there pretty early, and were able to get seats in the first row right behind home plate.  Ethan LOVED it!  He watched the game quite intently.  The girls...were a little less interested.  But I think they had fun anyway.  I can see Ethan and Jared returning for another game, if it works out this year!
Watching bating practice!
We had to meet Speedy the Turtle
Go Sliders!
My girls and I
Our attempt at a kids photo before leaving.  Atley was over it by now ;)!

Museum Trip

I took the kids to the children's museum on May 27.  We hadn't been in a while and had a great time!
Measuring up with the tallest man & woman and the shortest woman
My little farmers :)
Sliding Nora
When did he grow up?!
Such a big girl! 
Working on building something!
Having fun on the video floor games!
Just hanging out!
Nora put on a little cracks me up!!  Enjoy!

And now he's 7...

Ethan's birthday was May 28th.  It's hard to believe he's already 7!  (Check out his 1st birthday here and here.)  He is such a fun kid to be around.  He's into everything sports- baseball, golf, soccer, football (flag), basketball.  He loves to be outside, read, build legos, swim and go down the big slide at the pool.  He's goofy and smart and is a friend to everyone.  We are so blessed to be his parents!
We had a great day celebrating our boy!  First up...presents!
Woohoo for Crocs!
Reaching for his last present under the bed
He had wanted this lego set for 3+ years :)
So excited!!
Continuing the birthday donut tradition!
5 years and counting of the birthday donut!
Ethan got a new baseball glove for his birthday...trying it out with daddy!
Finished Lego police station
Last year for the birthday sign at McGaughey
Ethan chose Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and then we came home for some chocolate birthday cake!

Selfie stick family!
Silly one!

Birthday Party

We had Ethan's friend birthday party on May 21.  He decided he wanted to mini golf with a few friends.  So, he and 4 friends had a fun round of mini golf and since CherryBerry is right next door, we all enjoyed a little fro-yo too!  It was a fun (easy) birthday party for our new 7 year old!!
Ethan with the party goers!
Action shot :)
Atley had fun too!
Nora, Herve & Kelton
This was the best I could get after they had filled their cups with CherryBerry
Birthday Cookie Cake
Blowing out the candles before the wind did
Present time- he had a great party! 
The 3 cutest kids I know!

Piano Recital

Ethan had a "formal" piano recital on May 19.  He had 2 songs to play and did great!!  He has really enjoyed playing the piano and has learned so much!  He has already finished one level in his lesson books!
Apparently I only have this photo from the night and a couple videos.  Grandma Karen and Grandpa came up and our friend Sandra also came to hear him perform!  We are all so proud of you Ethan!
So focused!