Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cousin time and Birthdays!

We spent the Easter weekend in Salem.  It seems like that weekend is a good one for family to come in and get all the kids together.  We also had a few birthdays to celebrate.  Haley (my cousin, Libby's daughter) will be 3 next week and we celebrated with a cousin party on Friday afternoon.  Even if the birthday girl showed up late (she was napping), we had a good time decorating cookies and just playing.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!

Eating only the boy!
 Pretty much directly after the 3 year old party, we had a surprise party for my cousin, Micah.  He turned the big 3-0 last week!  We had dinner and played 'Pin the Nose on the Clown' (haha) and had a great evening.
Finley, helping her Daddy blow out his candles

Timm and Mike getting in on the 'Nose' action!

After we ate dinner, we headed up to the church for another surprise birthday party.  This time it was for Jared's cousin Logan, as he turned 17.  I forgot to take my camera and we were not there for the actual surprise, but I'm told he was surprised!  He had a good turnout of friends and Ethan got some basketball and volleyball time with his Grandma and Grandpa.
I'll leave you with a few other cousin pictures from the weekend...
Jared and Micah with the boys

Callum, he's so cute!!

Ethan and Scout...playing with bracelets and necklaces. (Their fathers are proud)

Haley and Finley

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