Friday, July 22, 2011

Visit to Indy

Wednesday morning Ethan and I got up and headed to Indy to visit my good friend Elizabeth and her 2 boys, Sam and Andrew.  We had a great trip!  The Children's Museum was definitely a must see, so we went there pretty much as soon as Ethan and I got into town.  Elizabeth has a membership which was beneficial for us, since it allowed 2 guests!  It was also nice going with someone who knows where things are and what things are good for the 4 and under crowd.  First stop: Dora the Explorer!
Sam and Ethan in Dora land
Then we headed to Playscape.  This area was really good for toddlers since there were all kinds of things to climb on, push around, scoop up and dump out.
Ethan spent a lot of time at the sand table

Andrew and Ethan at the water tables

He's in a bird house!

Sweet Andrew playing in the sand

'Bob the Builder' truck as Ethan called it
We had a great time at the museum and will definitely plan a trip back.  We closed the place down and the boys still weren't ready to go.

Our Group Shot attempt (Soon after, Ethan fell off the rock)
A trip to the zoo had also been discussed for this visit, but since it was 105 out we opted for the pool!  This pool is close to the Jolliff's house and they go often, it was perfect for the boys.  Plenty of shallow area for them to 'swim' around in and slides to go down also! 
Sam and Ethan going down the frog slide...over and over!

Another group shot attempt

...And he's out of there

Elizabeth reading to the 3 boys
Thank-you Elizabeth, Sam and Andrew!  We had a great visit and can't wait to come back and see baby #3! 

1 comment:

  1. Awww I love the pictures. Looks like the boys had fun together!

