Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ethan's Weekend

This weekend, so far, has been pretty spectacular for all of us, but especially Ethan.  Friday, my parents came up to spend the day.  Ethan and Pop had some good one on one time (while my mom and I shopped and Nora napped)!  
Then, Friday night, our church had Boys Nite Out for the younger boys and their dads.  Jared and Ethan had a great time!  Food, games a movie and boys only!  
My guys before heading out :)
Today was a birthday open house for Mrs. Sandra (the kids babysitter).  It was right in the middle of Nora's nap, so just Ethan and I went.  It was very nice and Ethan enjoyed his big piece of chocolate cake!
Goofy boy
Roger and Sandra.  These two are such a blessing to our family!
Ethan and the Birthday Girl :)
The open house happened to be at a bowling alley.  And, Ethan has never been bowling.  So, Ethan and I had a bowling date.  It was a blast and Ethan was so cute and excited.  
Showing off his 'dark orange' ball
He got a spare and a strike, with no help at all!
He would stand and watch his ball, all the way down the alley and then turn around with a huge smile clapping
One of my best dates, ever!
Check out this pose, and those adorable shoes!! 

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