Every year we attend a Christmas Eve service at our church. It is one of my favorite parts about the Christmas season. There is just something special about it that I can't quite describe! Ethan came in the service with us and was very well behaved (which I expected), even for sitting by all his friends :).
Jared and I sat on either side of this clan for a while. People who don't know us, probably thought we were crazy! 5 boys! |
After the service, we had a few pictures taken of us, as a family.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! |
We had our good friends, the Lloyds, over for dinner after church. It was a great evening, and the kids wore each other out!
Nora(2), Kullen(2), Chase(3), Ethan(4), Brennan(5) |
When our guests left, we found a note from Frank the Bank (our elf). It was basically a good bye letter, but it did say that the "no touching" rule could be lifted for a couple minutes so the kids could hug him and tell him goodbye. It was sweet. Ethan was sad to say goodbye and Nora asked where he was this morning. They love their elf :).
Hugging goodbye! |
After goodbyes were said, we got the milk, cookies and reindeer food out and ready for Santa. We read the Bible story- the
real meaning of Christmas, said our prayers and headed to bed.
We are so thankful for our family and most of all, thankful for the meaning behind all our Christmas celebrations! Thank-you Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice! HE is and always will be the best gift ever!