Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas...Part Two!

We are still enjoying the Christmas season at our house and I'm in no hurry to un-decorate!  Jared and I were talking, and we realized that after 7 married Christmases we were finally going to spend Christmas eve and morning at our own house!  We've been attending the same church here for 6(ish) years and have never gone to a Christmas eve service.  We were excited to experience a new Christmas tradition.  Anyway, after nap on Monday, we got dressed up and made our way to church for the service.  Ethan had been coughing, so we decided that if he wanted to stay with us tonight, we would let him.  After much back and forth, he stayed with us...for about 30 min of the service and then decided he wanted to go to the Birthday party for Jesus, complete with cake.
After a wonderful, musical, reflective, candle-lit service we made our way home where a crock pot full of Italian beef awaited us!  Before dinner, we attempted some family pictures in front of the tree..
Daddy and his kids.  
This is the best I could get of the 2 of them
Dancing babies!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
After dinner, we did the usual get ready for bed things and then read a Nativity Book.  It was supposed to be an advent thing, but we didn't start it on time, so I decided to do it Christmas eve.  Each page had 3 or 4 pieces of the Nativity scene to set up.  Ethan thought this was pretty cool.

The last thing, before prayers and bed, was to put out cookies and milk for Santa.  We had made chocolate chip cookies earlier in the day just for this occasion!
Carefully carrying the plate of cookies.

Both kids, were out for the count quickly after we put them to bed...thankfully!  Jared and I watched "A Christmas Story" (his first time) and then went to bed to see if Santa would come during the night ;).

Ethan's Christmas Morning!  I think 3 might just be the perfect age for Christmas!  He didn't remember that it was Christmas, so we took our time getting around AND he was excited about everything!  He went from toy to toy all day long!
Going through his stocking, Checking out the Busy Book I made for him, Christmas Morning cinnamon roll, Checking out all the loot and playing with his 'ino-tab' (as he calls it)

Nora's Christmas morning.  She still wasn't too interested in a lot, except whatever Ethan was playing with.  She had a good morning too!
Opening presents with Daddy, Rolling around on the floor pillow I made for her, Checking out her stocking, Opening the pillow and Playing with her toys

Christmas day, for us, was so great!  There was just something about not needing to go anywhere and being able to spend the entire day together as a family.  We made a great dinner and Ethan wanted chocolate cupcakes for Jesus' birthday! So after singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, we enjoyed our cupcakes!
I had a helpful sprinkler...
Enjoying it, icing first!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas...Part 1

First of all, Merry Christmas!  Tonight, we are reflecting on our day and the amazing gift of Christ, so many years ago!  At dinner tonight, Jared said to Ethan that he was thankful that Jesus came and Ethan said "I'm thankful that Santa came!"  Oh, to be 3 :).  But if you were to ask him why we celebrate Christmas, he would answer, "because it's Jesus' birthday."

We started our Christmas celebrating this weekend in Salem.  We decided it was time for us to spend Christmas morning in our own home, so we did our Christmases with the grandparents a bit early.  We had a  wonderful visit and a lot of good food!
Saturday morning we went out to the Colliers for the day.
Present time!
Uncle Dustin and Ethan, Nora with the snowman, the guys and their LEGOS and Jared carving the Christmas turkey :)
Sunday, after church, we opened gifts with my family.  Abby and Alex were there and it was so much fun!
Pop helping the kids with some presents!
Nora and Abby checking out the tissue paper, Abby and moose & My mom opening her gift from us!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Photo Friday...Week 15

Ok, I know I missed last week.  Hopefully I only do it that one time...but I'm not going to promise anything!  Ethan is loving LEGOs right now.  He has one small set that he is only allowed to play with on the dining room table since it is too small to be down for Nora.
Playing a Game Together

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas in Preschool

Sunday night was Ethan's preschool Christmas program.  I was asked to help get the 3 year old class in their spots on stage, in the pew and back on stage.  I was glad to help, especially since I got a front row spot!  It was adorable.  His class sang Jingle Bells, complete with homemade jingle bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and together with the 4 year old class, sang We Wish You a Merry Christmas.  Ethan didn't get too into the performance, but he did stand up there, sway back and forth and sing the songs.  I tried to get him to smile and wave, but no such luck :).
Before the big performance, they all had 'bubbles' in their mouths.  Their teacher tells them 'bubbles' when they are supposed to be quiet.  It's very effective.
Isn't this precious?!?  All their little legs sticking out!
On stage with the 4 year old class.  Ethan actually looked and smiled at me for this one!
A better picture of us in his classroom
Grandma Karen and Grandpa were able to come up for his program.  He showed them his classroom and was very excited to see them.  Thanks for coming!

Today, during class, was Ethan's Christmas party.  I didn't stay, but did come back early to take a few pictures and see what was happening!
Mrs. McDevitt reading a Christmas book before giving them a gift.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Catch Up!

Jared made it home from Bulgaria on Friday night.  And I had 93 pictures to upload on the computer since the last time... So, I need to play a little catch up on our week.
After Ethan's school on Tuesday we headed to Salem, to spend the rest of the week with my parents.  I'm taking advantage of being able to do that while Ethan isn't in 5 day/week school.
On Wednesday, my mom, Linda, the kids and I met Libby and her girls at Abby's new house in Edwardsville.  We had fun hanging out in the basement (she is having a wall removed upstairs, so construction zone), eating at Dewey's and shopping.
Watching pizza making at Dewey's
Ethan and Haley 'guarding' the stairs at Abby's house
Nora and I with Katie and Libby
Nora and Katie (2 1/2 months apart)
Thursday night the kids and I headed out to the Colliers for the evening and dinner.  Ethan loves playing with the vintage micro-machines from Uncle Dustin and Jared's childhood.  He was talking about that the whole ride out.
Not wanting his picture taken...
Just hanging out with Uncle Dustin
Micro- Machine Fun
Friday after nap, we came home.  Jared was due to fly into Decatur around 8:30 and he was home before 9pm.  He had a good trip and learned a lot!
Saturday, he was feeling alright, so we decided to make a trip to the Children's Museum (thanks Mom and Dad for the membership!).  But we couldn't go before a quick shave...

His hands smelled good :)
Then onto the museum!
Nora loved this thing!  It's full of pins to make imprints in (I'm not sure what it's called!)
Notice Nora's face...she was making the car noise.  She must have learned from her brother :)
Ethan and Nora at the little train table
Checking out the big train table

Monday, December 10, 2012


Just a short video of sweet Nora playing Peek-a-Boo tonight.

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I wish I would have taken a picture of my world traveler on his way out, but I didn't. Jared is currently on an airplane somewhere over the Atlantic on his way to Germany. His 18+ hour travels will eventually take him to Razgrad Bulgaria for a work meeting. He won't be gone long (which I'm thankful for) he should be back Friday night. Anyway, all this to say, he took the computer, which means I might not be uploading any blog posts with pictures until he returns. We will see what I can do with only the iPad, but no promises! Have a great week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, December 7, 2012

Photo Friday...Week 14

Just about every day, Nora falls asleep during lunch.  It's a struggle to keep her awake for her yogurt.  The beeping of the camera caught her attention.
Eating lunch together
And just because the kids are cuter than I am...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Joy

This post should have gone with 'Deck the Halls', but I didn't have the pictures taken at that point :).  So, here are some snapshots of the Christmas cheer around our house.  Have I mentioned that I love Christmas and all that comes with it?!?
Ethan and Nora's 2012 Christmas Ornaments & Ethan painted the other one all by himself :)
Some Christmas Decor around the house
2012 Christmas Tree and Mantle
Ethan even has some Christmas decor in his room.  He is just as excited about all of this as I am!
Decorating his very own tree and being goofy at the same time!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


After lunch today, I was cleaning up kitchen and enjoyed watching Ethan and Nora 'play' together.  She still thinks he is hilarious.  I grabbed my camera to capture some sibling love, in action.  I'm not sure what they were doing, but they had fun :)!

Aren't they the sweetest?!?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Deck the Halls

This past weekend we got our Christmas tree!  We have purchased from the boy scouts for the past several years, and have not been disappointed.  Ethan was so excited to get our tree this year.  He has been excited about everything having to do with Christmas.  It's cute and I know where he gets it :).  
Getting the tree ready to come inside!
Getting the lights ready 
Such good helpers we have...
Nora was quite taken with the ornaments
Daddy and Ethan decorating the tree
Nora checking out the tree...
Adding the final touch! I love this picture :)
Oh, and on another Christmas related note... our Elf on the Shelf made his appearance on Saturday.  Ethan finally came up with a name for him..."Frank the Bank".  And when I said Frank sounds like a good name, he insisted that his name was "Frank the Bank".  
Ethan and Frank the Bank