Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Carving!

We carved our pumpkins tonight!  This was the first year for Ethan to have a carved pumpkin.  He enjoyed helping and picked out his own pattern.  It was a nice evening, so we moved everything out to the deck and started cleaning out the goop!  I even helped with this part.  Enjoy a few pictures from our evening.
Not too interested in touching that stuff...

Helping Daddy Carve


Apparently knives aren't enough these days...drills are much more effective!

Ethan and Mickey Mouse, his first carved pumpkin!

The Boys and Their Creations

Final Products!  Mickey and StL (Go Cards!)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Brief House Tour...

The house is still a work in progress...but I have a feeling it will be that for a while.  Anyway, we've gotten most things put away and started hanging things on the walls.  We are still waiting to buy some furniture until we've lived here a while to decide what we actually want/need.  So here are some pictures of our new home.
Living Room (upstairs)

Kitchen (Complete with fun magnets!)

Eating area

Downstairs Family Room/Play Room

Finished Table!  Thanks Dad!

I Love It!!

Backyard and the Treehouse

Master Bedroom
Ethan playing in his room

Baby Girl's Room

Completed bumper pads in place!  Thanks Mom!

Baby Girl and I at 39 Weeks (and 1 day)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Apple Orchard

I decided that Ethan and I would make a trip to the Okaw Valley Orchard this morning.  It was a little chilly, but the sun was shining and I have a feeling we won't be getting out to do a lot for a while. We have been to this orchard before and I knew they had a nice playground area, so I thought that would be a fun outing for Ethan.  First we picked out our apples (from the store...not the orchard), then had a nice apple snack (apple doughnut and pastry) and then headed outside to play for a while.  It was a fun morning and I'm glad we were able to spend some one on one time together before baby sister arrives.
Hanging with Johnny Appleseed

Playing on the playground

Climbing on the hay bales

Trying to reach an apple...

...Settled for a yucky one from the ground (Don't worry, he did not eat it)

Yummy apple treat we brought back for Daddy

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Week in Photos

Since getting a new camera, I've been much better at snapping pictures here and there.  We haven't done much this week, but I do have some photos to share.  We're 8 days and counting from Baby Girl's due date!  And we're ready!
Last weekend we spent some time outside, enjoying the nice weather.
Ethan hanging in the hammock

Heading up for some fun in the treehouse

Picture from the treehouse...38 weeks.

And just a few from aound the house...

Playing baseball...naked with his Cardinal helmet.

Hanging out in the kitchen

Such a sweet smile in the morning
 Last night, Heather and Braden joined us for dinner.  We had a great evening and Braden and Ethan wore each other out! 
Braden's cheesey smile
 Tonight we moved a built-in desk from one room to another.  Ethan was helping by holding the top down...

Such a good helper

Hiding in the cabinet

Milk doesn't Lie...

So, I meant to post this earlier in the week. I bought milk on Monday and here's the date on it...2 days after my due date!
This was for you, Elizabeth :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Fun!

This morning we decided to take advantage of this beautiful fall day and went to an awesome pumpkin patch.  This was our 2nd time going to this patch (click here for last year's post) and we hope to make it an annual thing.  We picked our own pumpkins, went through 2 hay bale mazes, looked at all the animals, had some delicious cider and pumpkin treats and just enjoyed the beautiful fall day and scenery. 
Warning...we got a new camera yesterday, so I have A LOT of pictures from today to share!

On our way in!

Ethan and the Sheep

Fall Beauty

Riding with our pumpkin haul

Silly Boys!

Ethan liked this guy

Enjoying a pumpkin cookie and some apple cider

How Tall this Fall?!?

I really don't have a pumpkin under my shirt...Baby sister's 1st trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

Toddler Hay Bale Maze
Big Kid Hay Bale Maze

Crazy looking flower.  I bought a stalk in hopes to 'harvest' some seeds to plant at our house. 

The Collier Family at 'The Great Pumpkin Patch'

Friday, October 14, 2011


I just downloaded an app to my iPad to try to post from it instead of the laptop. Just trying to see how it works. And here's a fun picture of Ethan from this afternoon! He was enjoying his remote control car.