Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yum Yum!

Friday we decided to try rice cereal with Nora.  I remember wondering if Ethan would EVER eat that stuff.  So, I was expecting a gagging, spitting, head-turning baby girl...I was wrong!  This girl loved it.  She figured it out by the 3rd spoonful.  And when I wasn't moving fast enough, she let me know.  It was crazy!  She now locks in on the spoon and starts leaning forward with her mouth open when she sees it.  
Her 1st Bite
Give me more!
Happy customer!
And, I can't forget about Ethan.  He is such a ham sometimes...
He loves this applesauce!  And, I must say, it's much less messy than the regular stuff.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beautiful Days = Bath Nights

I'm afraid to say it, but I think spring just might be here!  We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and spending a lot of time in the backyard, at the park, walking/biking.  All the time outside means baths are necessary.

Might have been a better picture if there was not a lovely trash can behind him...

Enjoying a nice ride

I looked out the backdoor and saw this...Adorable!  I think they found an old baseball and Jared was unraveling it.
 Bath time!
He moves too fast sometimes...

Such a sweet face!

I couldn't choose which one to post, so I chose both!

Oh, and on a totally different topic.  Nora found her toes!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Housewarming

Abby and Alex moved to Troy a few weeks ago and they invited us over to see their new place and for a delicious lunch.  It was a great time, and their apartment is very nice!  Ethan and Haley had a good time playing and pretending...

Lovely couple in a lovely place!

Pretending to nap on the stairs...

And, more pretending to nap.

Katie Sue is 7 months old!

Linda and Libby

Just hanging out!  Linda, Jared and Nora

Thanks, Abby and Alex, for having us over.  We will definitely come back.  In the words of Ethan, 'I liked Abby and Alex's new house'! 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cute Kids!

We've been doing fairly well with keeping Nora upright.  She is getting better at tummy time and it seems that she is beginning to like her bumbo seat.  Now, we've moved on to the excersaucer...and she seems to like it too.  Ethan is always finding new ways to entertain himself, and us!  Here are a few pictures from the other night, just hanging out.

Happy Girl!

Such a sweet brother!

He loves to play in this footstool...

And he always wants it completely closed!
 Onery face...and cheesey face.

Friday, March 2, 2012


These are a few snapshots I've taken over the past few days...

Ethan still loves his baths.  His new favorite game is filling an empty bubble bottle with water and then squeezing it to make a water fountain.  Such a funny kid!

I have to say, I'm pretty proud of this one.  I walked in his room to see what he was doing, and this is what I found.  He loves for us to read him Bible stories.  His favorites are the 10 Plagues (or 8 Plagues, as he says), The Boy King, Josiah (I think he knows it's not his cousin) and The Big Fish (Jonah). 

We've been doing more (Dr. ordered) tummy time and upright time.  After her 4 month visit the Dr. was slightly concerned about positional plagiocephaly (flat head).  He thinks it's mild, but told me to make awake time, tummy time.  She loves to lay on her this is not easy to be 100% compliant with.  We're trying. 
Sometimes she's happy...

 But it usually turns into this...
 The bumbo seat is also acceptable since she isn't on her head.  She likes it...sort of.  It's better if she has something to gnaw on.  Teething stinks!  I'm hoping those suckers pop through soon. 

Last, but certainly not least, we have spent a little time outside.  It was super windy, but enjoyed by us all. 
Nora's first time in the carrier and she liked it!  I did too, even if I did have to walk backwards for a while so the wind wasn't in her face.

This is all he wants to do when we go outside...Golf! 
Nice form!

Monday, February 27, 2012

4 Month Stats

Nora Diane at 4 months:
15 lbs 5 oz (90%), 26 in (97%)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

4 Months

Nora is 4 months old today! She is a huge blessing to our family and such a good baby. Even when she's sick like she is today. :(
A few things about Nora at the 4 month mark...
  • She is smiling all the time, laughing, cooing and loves to 'talk' to us. And she loves to be talked to.
  • She is trying to roll over, but just can't quite make it.
  • She's getting better at grabbing toys and making it to her mouth with them.
  • It seems like she really wants to sit up. If I put her in her bouncy seat, she will sometimes use her abs and try to sit up. So, we have been giving the bumbo seat a try.
  • She has started sitting in her highchair during our meals and seems to enjoy being up at the table with us.
  • Still eating and sleeping great. She eats every 3-4 hours during the day and still sleeps from about 9pm-7am (sometimes longer). She has a morning nap, after lunch nap and sometimes a late afternoon or just before bedtime nap.
Happy 4 Months Baby Girl!! We Love You!

Wearing her new hat that Jared's Aunt Sharon made and sent her

Still smiles, even when she's not feeling well

4 Months goes by fast!

Ethan and Nora
 She has her 4 month checkup tomorrow afternoon, so I'll post her official stats then.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Party Hardy!

We spent this past weekend in Salem celebrating lots of birthdays!  February seems to be a busy one for our family.  Finley (my cousin's daughter) turned 4 on the 12th, my nephew Josiah turned 4 and Caleb (another cousin's son) turned 2 a week later and one more week later, Callum (yet, another cousin's son) also turned 2.  Confused yet?  Anyway, lots of birthdays, not to mention the adults with February days!  It's always crazy and fun when we all get together with the little ones. 

Saturday we celebrated with Caleb at his house.  His party was camo/Army themed, complete with an Army truck in the front yard!
Camo Caleb and Timm

He was loving being the center of attention!

Uncle Mike taking Paige, Jim, Josiah, Ethan and Jared for an Army truck ride

Sunday afternoon we had a combined party for Josiah and Finely.  This party was a Batman/Tangled themed.
Birthday Boy Josiah

Josiah, Shannon and Paige opening presents

Finley opening her presents

Paige modeling the Rapunzel hair that Kacey made for the girls

Some of the kids at the growing kids table

Ethan, enjoying his ice cream
The weekend was fun and tiring.  Here are some random pictures from the rest of the weekend!
Nora and I at Caleb's party

Lego fun with Ethan, Jim and Josiah

Nora and Katie...Best Friends!

Nora (almost 4 months), Katie (6 months)