Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beautiful Days = Bath Nights

I'm afraid to say it, but I think spring just might be here!  We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and spending a lot of time in the backyard, at the park, walking/biking.  All the time outside means baths are necessary.

Might have been a better picture if there was not a lovely trash can behind him...

Enjoying a nice ride

I looked out the backdoor and saw this...Adorable!  I think they found an old baseball and Jared was unraveling it.
 Bath time!
He moves too fast sometimes...

Such a sweet face!

I couldn't choose which one to post, so I chose both!

Oh, and on a totally different topic.  Nora found her toes!


  1. Oh my goodness! I need to cuddle this girl again!

  2. Such cute grandkids! Nora is so cute with her toes. What a fun age they are. Grandma Terri
