Wednesday, March 3, 2010

9 Month Stats

We went for Ethan's 9 month well child visit this morning and he's a healthy boy!  There were no shots today, YAY!  From the looks of his growth charts and percentiles, his growth is slowing down a bit, but nothing to be concerned about.  The doctor said that it's not uncommon around 9 months to see a dip or a plateau in the growth chart since he is burning so many more calories now that he is mobile.  We also learned today that his menu can expand to include meat!  More on that in the coming weeks : ).  Here's our smiley, healthy boy!   
Sitting on the floor, waiting to see the doctor

Weight: 19 lbs. 14 oz (45%)
Length: 27in. (20%)


  1. He is so cute!!! I am starting to see both you and Jared when I look at him, a nice combo! You are going to love sign language, though we never took a class it was helpful with Sam!!

  2. Love the pictures! He is stinking cute and I'm sorry I did not get to make the trip with you all last weekend.
