Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day!

We had a very nice Father's Day around here.  And we really didn't do much of anything.  Ethan gave his daddy a new Cardinal shirt before church and afterwards we had a great lunch and nice afternoon just hanging around the house. 
Thanks for being an awesome dad, Jared!  Ethan and I (along with Baby C #2) are very lucky to call you ours!
Jared did say he thought he needed a picture with my belly too...but I turned him down on that offer :).

Friday, June 17, 2011

Our Morning in Pictures

We went for a little bike ride this morning, however I didn't get any bike pictues.  But we stopped at the park to play (aka: let Mommy rest!). 

After some play time we sadled back up for the ride home to get some snack!
In the middle of saying 'marshmallows'
Then for some backyard the mud. 

Trying to spit it out...

Monday, June 13, 2011

What a Lovely Day!

We had beautiful weather here we spent the day outside.  Here are a couple photos of Ethan from our morning.

A little reading time on the deck

Head First!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I was 20 weeks along on Friday and feeling great.  I also had a doctor's appointment on Monday and everything is right on schedule.  Healthy and growing baby and mama!  Our next ultrasound is scheduled for June 27th.  If we choose, we can find out the gender that day too.  Honestly we aren't sure what we're going to do.  I'm on the fence with sure would be nice to know but then again it would be awesome for Jared to tell me after he or she is born.  Anyway, more on that later, I'm sure.  Here I am at halfway through pregnancy #2.

Weekend Fun!

We have had a great weekend.  I think I always say that on Sunday nights, but what else can I say?  I love hanging out with my boys!  Saturday we were very prductive with cleaning/organizing the garage and moving into our new shed.  We also got a lot of playing done outside, but I left the camera in.
Yay! And there's still room in there, and a few empty shelves in the garage!
Today we had beautiful weather and spent the entire day outside.  Ethan and his Daddy are like two peas in a pod!  They did everything together today.  Jared had an old driver and decided to cut it down to size for Ethan.  He was so excited!  They hit the ball off a tee for a long time, and I must say...Ethan is pretty good.
Proud Papa
Golf wasn't the only sport going on in our yard today...
We had a little backyard basketball, tee ball, football and a little running.  Ethan kept saying 'run with me'...he wore us both out, and probably himself too. Have a lovely week!

Friday, June 10, 2011


I love naptime!  It gives me a chance to get things done around the house or just rest myself.  Today, we were playing in Ethan's room and he started saying 'go night night'.  I asked if he was ready for a nap, he said yes and started climbing into his crib.  I went to check on him about 15 minutes later and he was quiet but still rolling around and playing (or so I thought).  So, 20 minutes later I decided to check on him again and was quite shocked at what I found...

*Beware*  Viewer Discretion Advised

Notice the wadded up diaper in one leg of his shorts and both of his legs in the other.

Miraculously, I was able to get his shorts off and put a diaper on (at least I think it's on) without him waking up.  I guess we'll see when he wakes up. 
Happy Friday! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bridal Shower Fun!

Abby's first Wedding Shower was on Saturday.  I think things came together very nicely and she and Alex made off pretty good with their wedding loot!  Here are a few pictures.
Everything all set up

Cupcakes and chocolate!

Abby loves mason jars, so we used them for vases on all the tables

Playing games.  Megan, Amanda and Abby

Cupcake time

Opening presents with 3 of 4 flower girls front and center

Abby and her Bridesmaids.  Libby, Becky, Abby, Amanda, Megan

Sisters with Mama

Just had to put a close-up of those cupcakes!
And the Groom doing his job...helping carry out the loot after the party

Steamy Night Softball

Jared had his first softball game last night...well the first one he was able to play in. It was hot!  I think my car said 90 degrees on my way home at almost 8 o'clock!  Anyway, Ethan had a blast doing what he does best...playing in the sand.  He decided it would be more fun barefoot...
Running circles around/on the bleachers.

Laying in the sand during the game

Jared, just before a great hit!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Our Weekend...

We had a very busy weekend.  I think we're all feeling the tireness today!  Poor Jared had to get up and go to work anyway.  Friday night we met my mom in Vandalia to switch her rides.  We were headed to the Cardinal game with my dad, uncle Wayne, Abby and Alex and my mom was on Ethan duty!  The game was really hot but also a really great game.  We beat the Cubs!!  Anyway, on the way to meet my family, I'm hearing Ethan say '2 hats on, 2 hats on'.  He talks a lot, so I wasn't really registering what he was saying, until finally Jared said, "where is Ethan's popcorn bowl?"  I turn around to find this...

Notice the popcorn in the lap...not the best car snack.
Enjoying the game
Saturday was Abby's wedding shower!  I was hosting it,  along with her other bridesmaids so we had a lot to get together beforehand.  I felt like we were running around all morning to get stuff and set up the room.  It turned out great and Abby & Alex got a lot of really nice and necessary things.  My camera didn't make it out of my purse so Abby's camera was designated the 'official shower photo' camera.  I will post some pictures of the shower when I get some from her :). 

Sunday was church and the annual Squibb Family Reunion.  We weren't able to stay long since we had to get back to Mt. Zion, but we had great food and a lot of family that I haven't seen in a long time. 
 This is the main reason for needing to leave early.  Ethan was feeling the effects of the long busy weekend as well.  He barley made it past 12:30 (the starting time of the reunion).  My dad didn't seem to mind though...
Sleeping Ethan and Hungry Pop

Friday, June 3, 2011


...for the lack of posts this week.  It seems like we have been pretty busy around here with just daily life!  So, here's a recap of the week in the Collier house.

Monday: Memorial Day
Jared was off (yay) but we didn't relax.  Instead we, mostly he, built this!


And don't believe the box, this is not a 'nap time' project.  It takes a bit longer than that.  We pretty much spent all day on it.  But we did drive to pick it up, got stuff for the foundation and dug out/built the foundation before we started on the 'in as little as 90 min' building project.

While shed building was going full force in the backyard.  Ethan was busy guarding his lawn mowers from Braden.  Not a beautiful sharer today!

Tuesday:  Work for myself.  Jared worked most of the day and then headed to Indiana for a conference.
Since Monday morning, Ethan had been up and down with a fever, but never acting sick.  I picked him from the sitters early on Tuesday and we've been pumping tylenol into him since.  No pictures Tuesday, sorry.

Wednesday:  Jared still gone.  Ethan's 2 year well child visit.

Here is Ethan when we got up....
Pretty pitiful
After about an hour, he was fine again, fever free and we headed to the doctor.  Other than the ear infection and up/down fever (we have meds now) he's a healthy 2 year old.  He weighs 26 lbs and is 2'9" tall.  Oh and has a whopping 97th percentile head size...he is a pretty smart kid.
Wednesday night we went to Zach's (Braden's older brother) baseball game and you would never know Ethan was supposed to be sick...or something.
Hanging out on the big boy swings
Thursday: Work again for me and Jared is coming home! 
Ethan again woke up with a pretty high fever, but by the time I was ready for work he was fine and back down to normal.  Took him to Arika's (she knew everything, by the way) with Tylenol/Motrin and instructions.  She said he was fine all morning and then after nap...high fever again.  Jared was almost back in town, thank goodness, so he went and got him and by the time they got home, no fever and just a little boy wanting to play outside.  So they did!  (These pics are from Sunday, but you get the idea)

Look at that form!!

Trying out the new bike!

Friday: OB appointment for me and unexpected Dr. visit for Ethan
I am 19 weeks along today!  Almost halfway.  I will post a picture next week (hopefully).  Ethan came along today and loves seeing the fish in the aquarium at the office.  Baby is healthy with a strong heartbeat and moving a lot!  I will have an untrasound at my next visit.
After we got home from my appointment, I noticed Ethan had a nice rash that had just appeared.  I decided to have him checked out, since we have a quite full weekend.  Nothing big, just part of his virus showing up as a rash.  Oh and he has been fever free today since about 30 minutes after he woke up! 

So...3 doctor visits, Jared gone for 2 days and work somewhere in between makes for a busy week!  Check back for posts from this weekend.  Cardinal game tonight, Abby's wedding shower tomorrow and Squibb family reunion Sunday.  I'm sure we'll breathe again sometime!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Party Time!

We had Ethan's birthday party on Saturday.  The weather was so-so but we had a great time anyway.  We were able to be outside for the majority of the party and Ethan got to try out a few of his 'outside only' toys.  Now for the pictures...

Braden and Ethan hanging out

Dustin: The Sign Holder

Ice Cream Cake! 

He didn't try to touch the flame this year...he blew it out! 

Abby at the kid table
Present time.  He looks a little frustrated here...
 As I said before...he got to try out his cool new toys.  We got him his first bike.  It doesn't have pedals and is supposed to teach him balance.  He really likes it and we went for our first 'ride' tonight...slowly.

First time on the bike!

Loving the tractor from Grandma and Grandpa!
I'm sure there will be plenty more posts with biking and mowing involved! 

Here's the party group!  Thanks to everyone who was able to come celebrate with us.  We know Ethan is very loved by all of you!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Birthday Boy

Ethan turned 2 today!  He is such a sweet little boy and we had a great day celebrating with him.  Here are a few pictures from our day...minus the party (I didn't take any).  Abby was my designated party photographer and I know she did a great job.  So check back tomorrow (or later) for a full party post!
Birthday Breakfast...Cinnamon Rolls!

Bday Hat and PJ's...a nice fashion statement

This is what happens when it rains on your birthday and you get a T-ball set.  Oh, and he took his clothes off all by himself...we're so proud!

Balloons and a big box.  What more does a 2 year old need?!?
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!  We love you lots!!