Monday, September 5, 2011

'Labor' Day Weekend

Labor day weekend has been full of labor for us!  Saturday morning we got up and went to Salem.  Our primary reason to go was to pick up some things we have stored at my parents that we are wanting to move to our new house.  We ended up helping my dad refinish a table for our new kitchen!  I'm glad we were able to help him out, because it was a lot of work!  Here's our inspiration...

We/dad still has to polyurethane ours, so I don't have a real after photo, but I will definitely post one when it's in the house! But here's where we are so far...with some work pictures in between.
A lot of sanding required!

It was hot in there :)

Watching Daddy and Pop work

Table top after 2 coats of stain...I love it!

Jared finishing the 4th and final coat of paint for the pedestal
My mom, working on the bumper pads after the actual padding came in! 
Ethan likes to watch and 'help'...
My good friend, Elizabeth, was in town with her 3 boys, one of which I haven't met!  Ethan and I stopped by her parents house to say hi, and meet sweet baby Jacob.  Ethan had a great time playing with the other kids while Elizabeth and I talked and I, of course, held the baby!
Baby Jacob
Sunday we headed out to Jared's parents for lunch and some outside fun.  Ethan loves to run around in the yard and 'help' out in their garden.  We had a great time and Ethan did too...just check out the pictures!
Playing a little football with Uncle Dustin and Daddy

Cantaloupe picking with Grandpa

Peppers with Grandma Karen

Very proud of his harvest
We left Sunday evening and Ethan stayed behind for a couple extra days with the grandparents.  I'm sure he is having a great time!  Jared and I, on the other hand, have been working like crazy today packing and organizing.  We've gotten a lot done and even had time for a dinner date last night (at the Firefly in Effingham- highly recommend!) and a movie tonight (The Help- also recommended!). 
Happy Labor Day!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I've been promising progress pictures on baby girl's bedding.  Well...there has finally been some progress!  Until yesterday this, was all the progress I had made...
I've had this for, oh probably, 3 months!

I made these a while ago also.  The bigger one was made before I even knew I was pregnant!  Little did I know, I was picking fabric for my baby girl's nursery.
Anyway, yesterday morning Ethan and I made a quick trip to my parent's house to put my mom to work!  She had agreed to help me out and I worked her hard (and right through naptime)!  We started with bumper pads, and we got a lot done in a day and a half!  I found the tutorial/photos here.  The instructions were fairly easy to follow, if you (or someone you are working with) has a decent knowledge of sewing and sewing terms.  We had to order the pads to go inside, so actual completion will be delayed a bit.  But this is what we have so far!  (There are 6 of these)
Bumper pad cover

We made our own piping and all!
I've got blankets to make and still need to figure out the bed skirt, but the bumper pads were the big project!  Thanks to my mom for all her hard work and expertise!  More photos to come, especially when it's all set up!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daddy and Ethan

Lately, Jared and Ethan have been doing everything together when Jared gets home from work.  Playing ball or golf, blowing bubbles, mowing the lawn, etc...  Here are a few pictures from the last few evenings around our house.
Batting practice with bubbles

A little catch with Daddy

Now for some pitching/hitting
All smiles after playing with Daddy!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Perfect Day!

We had a great day today!  The weather was perfect and the company was perfect.  This morning we headed to Lake Shelbyville where the Maxey family was camping for some swimming and beach fun.  Braden and Ethan had a blast and us adults had a great time too. 
Thanks Eric and Heather for letting us crash your camping weekend!

The boys thought it was hilarious to run as fast as they could on the beach and crash into the water! 

Ethan and Daddy having some lake time

Back at the campsite digging in the dirt

Naptime...he was out before we even left the campgrounds.
When we got home, we had visitors waiting on us!  Grandma Karen and Grandpa came up to play with Ethan and have dinner with us.  It was a great afternoon of playing golf and baseball in the backyard.  We took them to the new house but were only able to show them the yard and outside since the current owners weren't home.  Ethan got to explore his (soon to be) new backyard too.  Then it was back to the house for some dinner.
First was the preparation...
Ethan, Grandpa and Daddy shucking the corn
Then after dinner and a super busy/dirt filled day it was bath time.  Grandma Karen took on that task as well as bedtime prep.
PJ's and a neck squeeze
I'm pretty sure we will all sleep well tonight!  We're so thankful for great friends and family to spend our day with.  Thanks for coming. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Play Date Morning!

Ethan & I met our friends, Heather & Braden and Angie & Noah for a play date this morning.  We started out at the playground in front of the zoo for some climbing, swinging and sliding.  They when the zoo opened we were the first in line to get in.  The boys had a great time running everywhere and seeing all the animals, not to mention a carousel and a train ride. 
3 Buddies!  Noah, Braden and Ethan

Ethan and Noah on the Carousel

Riding the Elephant

Petting Zoo Fun.  Noah wasn't too into the goats.
After we finished at the zoo, we topped the morning off with some MickeyD's Happy Meals and some time in the play place. 
This was the best photo I could get during lunchtime

Ethan and Braden checking out the new McDonald's play place.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Meeting the Newest Mehrle!

My cousin, Libby, had baby girl #2, Katie Sue last Wednesday so we headed down to St. Louis last night to meet her and see the rest of the Mehrle family.  My parents happened to be in Fairview Heights around the time we were coming through so we met them for dinner. 
Ethan and Pop had a great time...
Straw Paper Mustaches
After dinner we moved on to our hotel where Ethan was pretty excited about sleeping in another 'big boy bed'.  I can't believe how great he did!  He just climbed in and that was it until this morning. 
Ready for bed time!
Then, this morning we got to meet Katie Sue.  She was born last Wed. August 10 and is beautiful!  She has a full head of dark hair with some blonde highlights, every girls dream! 

So sweet!

Ethan was quite taken with Katie and kept rubbing her blanket.

Sleeping the day away
Ethan and Haley playing together very nicely!
It was a great weekend and we are so glad we were able to see sweet baby Katie (and her family).  It makes it so much more 'real' for us too!

30 Weeks

Yesterday marked 30 weeks of pregnancy for baby girl!  I can't believe there are only 10 weeks left.  We are soooo excited, but also a little stressed thinking of all the things between now and October 28 that will (and need to) happen!  Like packing up our entire house and moving!  I also need to get working on that crib bedding I mentioned a few posts back.  Anyway, here we are...growing and growing!
30 Weeks
I also had a doctor's appointment yesterday.  Apparently baby girl is sitting with her head in my ribs and her feet kicking me in the bladder...not the correct position.  The doctor didn't seem too concerned since there is plenty of time for her to flip.  I'm also still measuring smaller (yay!) at 26 weeks.  We have our next and last ultrasound a week from Tuesday and I can't wait to see her again!  I'll be sure to update after my ultrasound!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Birthday Party!

Yesterday we helped celebrate with Ethan's friend, Noah.  He turned 2 and had a great pool party.  Ethan and Noah go to the same sitters and we go to church with Noah and his family.  It was a good time with great friends.
Jared swimming with Braden and Ethan

Noah, the Birthday Boy!

Ethan and Braden enjoying some yummy cake

3- 2year olds!  Braden, Noah and Ethan

Abby & Alex Visit AND The State Fair

We've had a fun and busy weekend around here.  On Thursday evening, my mom and Abby came up.  Mom stayed for dinner and a tour of our new house and then headed home and Abby stayed a couple days. 
Ethan and Grandma
Friday, we pretty much just hung around the house.
Playing a little baseball and golf...

And a little swinging...

Then, Abby killed a ginormous bee/wasp...(it was pretty comical)

What a fun day, with a sweet boy!
Then on Saturday, we headed over to Springfield to the Illinois State Fair.  The weather was really nice, so we spent the morning looking at the animals, checking out the sights and deciding what to eat for lunch!  Ethan had a great time and liked the goats the most, I think. 
Hanging with the goats in his pig hat.  He kept saying 'I like these goats!'
The newlyweds in the goat barn.
Feeding the sheep
The 3.5 of us in front of the butter cow
The infamous Butter Cow.  Yes, it's carved completely out of butter!