Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have been working on a little project here and it's finally finished!  I have been wanting a headboard for our bed since we got married...5 1/2 years ago!  I looked online for some DIY instructions and found this!  It seemed easy enough so I got the supplies and slowly started putting it together.  My wonderful, smart and ingenuitive husband helped me finish it all up and get it on the bed.

Drilling holes for the buttons

Using spray adhesive to attach foam to plywood and then attach batting to foam (I tried this first in the garage, but it was too cold for the adhesive to the kitchen floor was the spot)

Stapling the batting and fabric down

Now, time for the buttons.  After covering my buttons with the same fabric, we used the holes I drilled and attached the buttons.  The picture on the left is the back side (Jared's ingenuity at work).  The directions said to staple the thread like crazy to hold it in place, Jared thought we could just place a staple over the hole and the tie the thread off on worked great! 

Attaching the legs so we can install it on the bed!
Finished and Installed!

Tada!  Not to toot my own horn...but I think it turned out great!


  1. It looks great! Love the button details :)

  2. You did an AMAZING job! It looks so professional and I'm sure everytime you walk in the room you get such a feeling of accomplishment. Two thumbs up!

  3. Amazing! You should have your own show on TLC!!!!
