Thursday, August 23, 2012

Some Fun

We haven't been up to much lately, but I do have some pictures to share.  I have taken inspiration from my good friend Elizabeth, and I'm trying my camera on manual... This means a lot of blurry, dark or really bright photos for me.  But I'm working on it, so bear with me :)!

Ethan has embraced his sandbox!  It took a while for him to actually sit in the sand instead of the edge.

 I put the water/sand/bean/rock table in the tree house yesterday and filled one side with rocks we got from the Dollar Tree.  We've put beans in it before, and I thought this was a really good idea, until the beans sprouted.  It was kind of we've moved to rocks.

Now for some of Nora recently...
Max is such a good dog!
Happy girl, standing at the couch.

Here she comes!
Leaves in her mouth...this is a constant battle.
Hanging out next to the sliding doors, one of her favorite spots in the house.  
Playing outside
Taking off across the yard
Look closely...there's some hair sticking out!

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