Monday, December 20, 2010

Oh Silly Boy!

Pants on the head AND the swiffer...
Needing every last bit of the cream cheese from his bagel!

Weekend Update...

We had talked about having a little family Christmas 'get together' at our house on Saturday, but it was looking like we might be the only ones 'getting together'.  So, we decided to head to Salem on Saturday morning.  My cousin, Steve, who has been in Haiti since August is home for Christmas and was in town, so we were able to see him and catch up a bit.  I also decided to have the party at my parents house.  Jared and I made soup and invited the Colliers over and we all had a great time eating and visiting.  And, of course, watching Ethan 'perform'.  I remembered my camera...but not to use it, sorry. 
Sunday, Jared and I had tickets with Abby and Alex to the Rams game.  I have never been to a NFL game and we had a really good time (except for the loss and the obnoxious KC fans behind us).  My parents kept Ethan and took him to church and then met us in Vandalia for dinner and the switch-a-roo.  It was a quick, jam-packed weekend, but that's not going to change for a few weekends!  Here are a few pics from the Rams game.

Abby and Alex (note the forced smile on Alex, the Chiefs had just scored)

Jared and I

Friday, December 17, 2010

Child Labor??

I was vacuuming this morning and Ethan really wanted to give it a try...
Vacuum Fun

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day!

We didn't get too much snow over the weekend, but enough for Ethan to notice it looked different outside.  It is really cold so we won't be venturing out to play in it.  But I did scoop up a cup full and bring it in so Ethan could play with it.  He had fun, and Max liked eating whatever he dropped.
This is how you play in the snow when it's -10 degrees outside (including wind chill)

Showing Max where to lick...

Snowball=Cold Hands

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I had on some tunes this morning and Thriller came on, Ethan was feeling the music.  Check out these moves...

Rainy Saturday...

So, this is what we do on a rainy Saturday afternoon...
After pretty much emptying the pots and pans cabinet.
 He was having a wonderful time stacking, un-stacking and putting the lids anywhere they would fit. 
Oh...I'm not supposed to sit here??

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Time at the Colliers

I love Christmas time and all that comes with it!  We have our tree up and decorated as well as the rest of the house!  Ethan is very interested in the tree and all the 'balls' that are decorating it.  It makes me a little crazy, trying to keep him from pulling down the tree...but that's alright, he's just at that age.  I should be cherishing these times, right?!?  Anywho, Saturday our little village had a Christmas Parade.  It was COLD, but we went out anyway.  Ethan was less than thrilled, but I think he enjoyed seeing the fire trucks and he got a photo op with Santa!
Swinging before the parade starts

Ethan and Daddy enjoying the sights and sounds

Ethan's first Santa encounter...he didn't scream.
 Later on Saturday, we put the tree up and decorated it.  And I took some pictures around the house to share. 

The 'Believe' vase on the end is my newest piece!

Ooooo, look at these!
2010 Christmas Tree!

Really wanting to play with the ornaments

Friday, December 3, 2010

O Christmas Tree...

Tonight we headed out to the Christmas tree farm (aka: Kroger parking lot) to pick out our tree for this year.  We have purchased our tree from the Boy Scouts for the past 3 years and have been very happy and our purchase goes to a good cause!  Ethan was a good helper and liked the branch the man gave him to hold.
Which one should we pick?!?

In the truck bed with the final decision

After we got our tree we drove around to look at Christmas lights.  Ethan sits up a lot higher in Jared's truck so he can see them much better.  I think his favorites were the colored ones, but we saw a lot of nice decorations.
Checking out the scenery

He sees some coming up on the right...and he likes them!

Oh Happy Friday!

I love Fridays!  Friday means I get to spend the whole day with Ethan, that I don't have to worry about getting things ready for work the next day and Friday means that tomorrow is Saturday and we get to spend the whole day with Jared!!  Today we have just been hanging around the house, playing, cleaning and such.  Here are a few pictures from our morning.

Ethan saw his hats hanging on the hook and had to have them all to put on.

After he took the hats off and tried to put it back on by himself.

This is where I found him after I had been vacuuming in the bedrooms and decided I had better check on him.  He was very happily talking and singing away : ).

This one is from Wednesday when I was peeling potatoes for dinner.  As always...he wanted to help.
Big boy at the sink, helping Mama!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

More Weekend Fun

The last post was getting a little lengthy, so I decided to split it up a bit.  Friday afternoon and evening we headed out to Iuka and spent the evening at Jared's parents.  Grandma Karen found some balloons and Ethan had a great time trying to blow them up and throwing them around after they were blown up.  It was a great evening and Ethan loves to hang out with his Grandma and Grandpa Collier, not to mention Uncle Dustin and Amanda.
Rolling around with the balloon

Who's in that box?!?

Grandma, Grandpa and Ethan

Cuddle time with Grandpa

Saturday we had our 2nd annual Christmas gift exchange with the Squibb family.  We packed the Puricelli house full and had a great time trying to decipher Mike's games, opening or stealing gifts and (of course) eating.  The exchange was for the adults, so the kids were busy doing what they

The Kid Play Room

Abby, Alex and Ethan

Hazel helping her Mommy (Amanda) open her present
Since we had 10 out of 11 Squibb Grandkids home this year, we decided to try to get a group picture.  Tyler (my brother's oldest) was sick Saturday night : ( so he isn't in the picture.  Here's the best shot I got...and I took a lot!
L-R:  Caleb 9 mo, Hazel almost 3, (laying down) Callum 9 mo, Ethan 18 mo, Haley 2 1/2, Markey almost 7, Paige 4 1/2, Josiah 2 1/2, Finley 2 1/2, and Scout 15 mo

After the party, I just had to get a picture of the 4 Blair grandkids that were here, so we got Tyler up and took a few...again, this is the best one I have : ).

Josiah, Tyler (11yr), Ethan and Paige

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Festivities

We have had a great and busy Thanksgiving weekend.  Jared, Ethan, Max and I headed to Salem on Wednesday night.  My brother (from Florida) and his family were able to make it this year.  Jim, Shannon, Tyler, Paige and Josiah (and their dog, Bella) got in Wednesday night as well and the kids all hit it off right away.

Paige and Ethan playing

Grandma and Pop reading to Paige and Ethan


Ethan's new best friend, Tyler

Josiah, Ethan and Tyler playing Wii!  Cousin fun!
Thursday, we had 2 dinners to attend.  We had lunch at Grandma Collier's.  All the food was amazing, as usual, and several of Jared's aunts, uncles and cousins were there.  We had a great time catching up with family and Ethan enjoyed being chased by and chasing the dogs.  I forgot my no pictures, sorry.  Then Thursday night we had dinner at my parents house.  All in all, I think we had around 30 people here.  It was a loud house full, but always worth it. 
Jared carving the turkey

Toddler/Toy chaos!

The Kid Table
Josiah, Haley, Markey, Finely, Paige

Playing Hide-and-Seek
Josiah, Haley and Finley

Ethan and his buddy, Scout

Friday, November 26, 2010

Just Chillin'!

One night last week, I looked down and Ethan was just chilling on the floor.  He had his pillow and his legs were propped up just hanging out!  I thought it was pretty funny so...I grabbed my camera.

Happy (day after) Thanksgiving!!