Friday, December 3, 2010

O Christmas Tree...

Tonight we headed out to the Christmas tree farm (aka: Kroger parking lot) to pick out our tree for this year.  We have purchased our tree from the Boy Scouts for the past 3 years and have been very happy and our purchase goes to a good cause!  Ethan was a good helper and liked the branch the man gave him to hold.
Which one should we pick?!?

In the truck bed with the final decision

After we got our tree we drove around to look at Christmas lights.  Ethan sits up a lot higher in Jared's truck so he can see them much better.  I think his favorites were the colored ones, but we saw a lot of nice decorations.
Checking out the scenery

He sees some coming up on the right...and he likes them!


  1. I got my tree today too!! However, it is much smaller, faker, and limb-less-er! :) Love you!
