Sunday, December 9, 2012


I wish I would have taken a picture of my world traveler on his way out, but I didn't. Jared is currently on an airplane somewhere over the Atlantic on his way to Germany. His 18+ hour travels will eventually take him to Razgrad Bulgaria for a work meeting. He won't be gone long (which I'm thankful for) he should be back Friday night. Anyway, all this to say, he took the computer, which means I might not be uploading any blog posts with pictures until he returns. We will see what I can do with only the iPad, but no promises! Have a great week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, December 7, 2012

Photo Friday...Week 14

Just about every day, Nora falls asleep during lunch.  It's a struggle to keep her awake for her yogurt.  The beeping of the camera caught her attention.
Eating lunch together
And just because the kids are cuter than I am...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Joy

This post should have gone with 'Deck the Halls', but I didn't have the pictures taken at that point :).  So, here are some snapshots of the Christmas cheer around our house.  Have I mentioned that I love Christmas and all that comes with it?!?
Ethan and Nora's 2012 Christmas Ornaments & Ethan painted the other one all by himself :)
Some Christmas Decor around the house
2012 Christmas Tree and Mantle
Ethan even has some Christmas decor in his room.  He is just as excited about all of this as I am!
Decorating his very own tree and being goofy at the same time!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


After lunch today, I was cleaning up kitchen and enjoyed watching Ethan and Nora 'play' together.  She still thinks he is hilarious.  I grabbed my camera to capture some sibling love, in action.  I'm not sure what they were doing, but they had fun :)!

Aren't they the sweetest?!?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Deck the Halls

This past weekend we got our Christmas tree!  We have purchased from the boy scouts for the past several years, and have not been disappointed.  Ethan was so excited to get our tree this year.  He has been excited about everything having to do with Christmas.  It's cute and I know where he gets it :).  
Getting the tree ready to come inside!
Getting the lights ready 
Such good helpers we have...
Nora was quite taken with the ornaments
Daddy and Ethan decorating the tree
Nora checking out the tree...
Adding the final touch! I love this picture :)
Oh, and on another Christmas related note... our Elf on the Shelf made his appearance on Saturday.  Ethan finally came up with a name for him..."Frank the Bank".  And when I said Frank sounds like a good name, he insisted that his name was "Frank the Bank".  
Ethan and Frank the Bank

Friday, November 30, 2012

Movin' On Up!

Today, my sister, Abby and her husband, Alex bought their first home!  I decided the kids and I would surprise them and head down to help (I use this term loosely) and see the place.  It was a last minute decision to go, but I'm glad we went.  My parents were there and they enjoyed their time with the kids in between box carrying trips.  The house is adorable and has a lot of potential too!  We left Abby and Alex with quite the mess today, but moving is always chaotic and I have no doubts that the place will be in perfect order very soon!
Unpacking the kitchen
Ethan had some fun with the bubble wrap
Nora and Moose enjoying some freedom
All the furniture is where to put it!
Ethan, raking the front yard
Overflowing the guest room...
Ethan (still raking) Abby, Me and Nora
The proud and happy homeowners! 

Photo Friday...Week 13

I was scheduled to work in Ethan's classroom last week.  I helped at art center and always have a good time.  Ethan is such a smart kid, and I love seeing him 'in action' at school.  
You and your child during a visit to their classroom

I know, it's not the best photo...I'll try to do better the next time I go :)!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


This past week was jam-packed with family, food and fun.  I took a few pictures, but not enough to do justice to all the fun we had.  Thanksgiving was wonderful.  We celebrated with both sides of the family and ate more than enough.  We started the eating with Jared's family and his Uncle Ed and Aunt Doss' house.
Ethan and Ed having a good time
Grandma Karen, Nora and Amanda
 After lunch we had a nice nap and got ready for round 2 with my family.  With most of my family in town, Ethan had a lot of cousins to play with.
Craziness at the Puricelli House
Scout and Josiah enjoying the mild weather
Playing some b-ball
We also attempted the annual family photo (which you will have to wait to see).  Until then, enjoy some close-ups of Ethan and his many facial expressions!
Pop and Nora
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm thankful for a lot, but right now, I'm thankful that I figured out how to upload my photos again! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Technical Difficulties...

I'm not exactly sure what is going on with my blog...but I can't upload any pictures.  I started a Thanksgiving post, and was unable to add any pictures.  Something about my storage capacity.  Anyway, I will be working to fix the issue so I can get back to sharing my adorable kids with you :).  On a side note, we had a great Thanksgiving!  Hope you did too!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Photo Friday...Week 12

It's week 12 already?!?  Anywho...this week is pretty special to me!  I'll start with saying that Ethan doesn't really nap anymore.  He has a quiet time and I try to make him stay in his room for at least an hour, but he usually finds his way out, to which, I take him back.  This week, however, I was comfortable and didn't really want to get up.  So, I let him lay with me on the couch.  Before long I hear snoring and he was out!  It's not often that I get to hold/snuggle sleeping kids anymore, so I enjoyed this time.  But not too long into it, Nora woke from her nap so I went to get her and she joined us on the couch.

Such a sweet sleeper
Laying on the couch, snuggling
I'm one lucky mama!

P.S.  Sorry for the poor photo quality.  I only had my phone on hand and the lighting wasn't too great ;).

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Date Day!

On Thursday, I was given Illini Football tickets for today's game.  We were very excited to be going, but mainly to have a whole day out together!  I sweet talked my parents to come up (it wasn't a hard sell) to watch the kids.  They were troopers and got here at 8:30 am!  We were still in PJ's when they arrived...oops.  But we did feed them waffles :).  Jared and I quickly got ready and headed to Champaign.  The game didn't start until 2:30, so we tackled some Christmas shopping while we had the chance.  It was so nice to be able to meander my way through Target without stopping every 3.2 seconds to feed goldfish to a child!  We had a nice lunch, headed to the mall for a bit and then froze our feet off for almost 3/4 of the game.  ILL-INI!!
Heading out for a day with my man!
Self portrait at the game
View from our seats...even if there wasn't much to see.
The kids and my parents had a great day too.  My dad had plans!  After we left, they loaded up and took the kids to the Children's Museum.  Ethan loves that place.  And for lunch, stopped at Culver's...another favorite!  My mom even went to the grocery store for us and cooked dinner!  Thanks so much for the wonderful day.  We enjoyed it, and I know the kids did too!

Operation Christmas Child

This year, we participated in Operation Christmas Child.  It is a great organization, and we had a fun time putting our box together.  We chose a boy around Ethan's age to shop for, so he could pick some things out.  Here are a few pictures of Ethan with our box.  He even wrote a little note to the boy who receives the box. He is very interested to know what boy will get our box.  I donated online, so we are able to track our box to see where it goes, at least.
Ethan and Nora, checking out the goods
So excited!
Tootsie Roll in the mouth- smile :)
Can't wait to do this again next Christmas!