Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finally Finished Deck!

We are finished (for now) with our deck!  Jared and I, along with a lot of help worked really hard to get this thing together.  I say 'finished, for now,' because at some point we will probably look at putting up some type of privacy panels along one side.  Since we are on a corner lot, our backyard is our neighbor's side yard our deck now looks right at their driveway.  Anyway, we are enjoying these last few days of nice weather and had our first 'deck party' last night.  But of course, I didn't take any pictures.  I do have some before and after photos though...

Before...old, cracked patio- Not too safe for a toddler learning to walk.  Poor Ethan had several scrapes and scratches from tripping over these cracks.

Another angle

After!  Max seems to be posing.

Planter boxes and benches!  Jared, you're so talented!

The railing Jared designed and built

Sorry if it seems like I'm bragging on my amazing husband...but he did a great job and I'm so thankful for all his hard work.  Not to mention the hard work of Mark, Dustin and Eric.  Thanks guys!


  1. It looks really good! I can't wait to come up and see it!! :)

  2. I like how the before was on a 'dreary' day without sunshine, and the after is on a nice sunny day (today). Nice warm fuzzy feeling :) -Jared

  3. Looks awesome guys! Can't wait to sit on it and enjoy. I LOVE the rail Jared designed. - Josh
